Hello Everybody,
I have created a scripted code that populates episodic shows from season level.
so I have Show Title, Season, Eps count, Start Date, Pattern Release per Week
So this script gives me each date for each episode depending on the pattern release /Eps count and start date.
The Scripting app works perfectly except that it keeps freezes at some point
Like I have 2000 Eps to create, sometimes, it stops at Episode 560, other times it stopped at 916
and it always stops at the same count of episodes, I tried to make sure that everything is in a text mode, no special characters and no odd thing in the lines
still, stop at the same point.
1- Can you please help me figure this out, Why does it stop at all?
2- Can anyone help me in modifying the code, If anything Changes in the fields that are included in the script like " Release Date", “EPS”, “Origin”, Windowing", it modifies only on these fields, keeping the same record, not to create a new record with the updated ones.
let importTable = base.getTable("Titles Release Table");
let importQuery = await importTable.selectRecordsAsync();
let episodesscheduletable = base.getTable('Episodes Schedule');
const episodesScheduleQuery = await episodesscheduletable.selectRecordsAsync()
const episodesScheduleNames = episodesScheduleQuery.records.map(x => x.name)
for (let record of importQuery.records)
{ let myDate = new Date();
myDate = new Date(record.getCellValue('Release Date'));
let rowcount =0;
let EpsNum =0;
let cnt = 0;
let fullName='';
let ShowOrigin=record.getCellValue('Origin');
let ShowType=record.getCellValue('Type');
let ShowPlatform=record.getCellValue('Platform');
let ShowWindowing=record.getCellValue('Windowing');
let ShowRating=record.getCellValue('Rating');
rowcount= record.getCellValue('EPS') ;
let EpsCount =0;
EpsCount = record.getCellValue('EPS') ;
let Pattern=record.getCellValue('Pattern Release');
if (rowcount==0)
else if (rowcount==1)
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') ;
await episodesscheduletable.createRecordAsync(
"Name": fullName,"Release Date": myDate
rowcount=rowcount-1 ;
while (rowcount>0)
if (Pattern==5)
EpsNum = cnt + 1;
if (cnt==0)
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum + '-' + 'First' ;
if (myDate.getDay()==5 || myDate.getDay()==6)
if (EpsNum == EpsCount)
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum + '-' + 'Last' ;
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum ;
myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 1);
if (myDate.getDay()==5 || myDate.getDay()==6)
else if (Pattern == null || Pattern == 0 || Pattern > 7)
EpsNum = cnt + 1;
output.text('NULL EpsNum ' + EpsNum + 'EpsCount ' + EpsCount + 'rowCount' + rowcount)
if (cnt==0)
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum + '-' + 'First' ;
if (EpsNum == EpsCount)
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum + '-' + 'Last' ;
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum ;
EpsNum = EpsNum + 1;
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum ;
if (cnt==Pattern)
cnt = 0;
output.text('EpsNum ' + EpsNum + 'EpsCount ' + EpsCount)
if (EpsNum == EpsCount)
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum + '-' + 'Last' ;
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum ;
myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + (8-Pattern));
if (cnt==0)
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum + '-' + 'First' ;
output.text('EpsNum ' + EpsNum + 'EpsCount ' + EpsCount)
if (EpsNum == EpsCount)
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum + '-' + 'Last' ;
fullName = record.getCellValue('English Title') + ' ' + record.getCellValue('Season') + ' EP' + EpsNum ;
myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 1);
await episodesscheduletable.createRecordAsync(
"Name": fullName,"Release Date": myDate ,"Windowing": ShowWindowing ,"Origin": ShowOrigin ,"Type": ShowType ,"Platform": ShowPlatform ,"Rating": ShowRating
rowcount=rowcount-1 ;
// output.text(`New record created!`);