I have a very simple formula request that is blowing my mind right now. I don’t know why this is so difficult.
If the field {Due Date} is today, return the value “Due Today” in the formula field. First I tried:
IF({Due Date}=TODAY(),“Due Today”)
Pretty standard. But amazingly that won’t return “Due Today” if the date is today, only if the date is in the future :man_facepalming:t3:
I read here in the community forum that this would work instead:
IF(IS_SAME({Due Date},TODAY(),‘days’),“Due Today”)
Which doesn’t work either. The formula field remains blank in this case, no matter what the date is. I’ve tried ‘days’, ‘day’ and removing it completely - the formula is accepted but returns no value.
Which btw, I find really frustrating. Don’t let me save a formula that doesn’t work.
I’m so confused I don’t even know where to start trying to troubleshoot it. This is the kind of thing that puts me off using Airtable. It’s such a simple formula which in any other database software is routine. Can someone help me crack this enigma code please?