I'm having such a basic issue and can't figure out what I'm missing.
I believe this should be a very basic IF statement: IF {field} is not empty, show this stuff. However, I've tried using {field}, {field}!="" and {field}!=BLANK() and even where there is nothing in {field}, text is showing.
Here's the simplified formula I'm using to figure out what is going on (substituting "the text" for what will really be there):
{abr formula- all},
"the text"
Here you can see that even if {abr formula- all} is blank, "the text" is showing up.
Any help appreciated!
Best answer by Lauren_Briskin1
Okay! I figured this out. I didn't need !=BLANK() or !="", just using IF({field}) is enough, BUT the field it was pulling in had line breaks in it, which i couldn't see in the output. So it was always showing something because there WAS something!
Your formula as written is basically saying, if the {abr formula- all} field exists (which it does regardless of whether or not it's empty), return "the text".
I believe you want one of these two options:
IF({abr formula- all}=BLANK(),"","the text") IF(NOT({abr formula- all}=BLANK()),"the text","") #more complicated but can be useful in certain situations
Your formula as written is basically saying, if the {abr formula- all} field exists (which it does regardless of whether or not it's empty), return "the text".
I believe you want one of these two options:
IF({abr formula- all}=BLANK(),"","the text") IF(NOT({abr formula- all}=BLANK()),"the text","") #more complicated but can be useful in certain situations
Hmm.. I haven't had to do that in the past, and my understanding was that if you use IF and {field} it's actually checking for a value there?
But if I put "the text" in there, it always shows a value.
When you write IF({abr formula- all}!=BLANK(),{abr formula- all}), you're saying if the original field is not blank, infill the new field with the text from the original field.
When you write IF({abr formula- all},"the text"), you're saying if the original field exists, infill the new field with "the text". In this formula, you're not evaluating whether or not the original field is populated.
Okay! I figured this out. I didn't need !=BLANK() or !="", just using IF({field}) is enough, BUT the field it was pulling in had line breaks in it, which i couldn't see in the output. So it was always showing something because there WAS something!