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I need some help regarding "Scripting Extension"

  • September 18, 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi, I’m newbe at using “Scripting Extension” and I had an issue with using this extension. Let’s jump to the point. Here I have 1 table that I make as “Student Attendance”. in that table I have a grid view and calendar, so what I am trying to do is connect the grid view with the calendar.

So for example:
in the grid view section, I have these (Field/Column) “Name, Start Date, End Date and Select days in a week.”

So the problem I can’t solve is I can’t find a way to show already selected days in grid view to the calendar. I want it like auto-generate date in calendar by “selected days in a week”

2 replies

  • Inspiring
  • 532 replies
  • September 19, 2022

HI @SalDevTech_Company,
I am unsure where the scripting app is needed here.

The Grid view and Calendar view are views of the same data, just laid out a little differently.

In your Calendar view you want to show each person name on a date for the days of the week they have attended? For example Alex will show on 9/18, 9/24, 9/25, 10/1, 10/2…

Are you looking to have the scripting app find the days of the week between the range of days?

Vivid-Squid wrote:

HI @SalDevTech_Company,
I am unsure where the scripting app is needed here.

The Grid view and Calendar view are views of the same data, just laid out a little differently.

In your Calendar view you want to show each person name on a date for the days of the week they have attended? For example Alex will show on 9/18, 9/24, 9/25, 10/1, 10/2…

Are you looking to have the scripting app find the days of the week between the range of days?

Hi, thanks for your response, in a short time I have changed my mind I saw a weakness in the airtable calendar that’s why I decided to use google calendar and I’m glad I can connect it via “automation” but there is one thing/function that is not available
i.e. (Custom recurrence) which is on google calendar.
So is there a way to set (Custom recurrence) from airtable?
