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Auto Sort option under "Hidden Fields" button

We use Airtable quite extensively and the most often used tab has a whopping 65 columns. We make use of many views and love Airtable! A small frustration is that when trying to organize columns from the "Hide Fields" dropdown you have to grab each visible column one by one and drag it to the top if you want the visible columns to be first... which we usually do. It seems like this would be something very easy for the developers to add a "Move hidden fields to bottom" or "move visible fields to top" button and it would save a lot of time on a very automatable task. Thank you for your consideration.


To be honest, I don't understand why do you want to organize fields in this way. 
But you can easily bulk-move fields in table by select first, hold Shift, select last (this will group them) and then move all group. You can zoom out before move to scroll more effectively
And since in table you see only visible fields, you can group them with minimum efforts.

here, table of ~60 fields, 30 hidden and dispersed randomly at all list
I switch to table, select last field, hold left Shift

press Date, thus grouping all visible fields in table from Date to last 

and move them a bit left, after second field.
they are compact now (some non-public data wiped)


This worked, thank you!
