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How to determinate dates for any record without repeat day and hour

I Have this code

let settings = input.config({

    title: "Datas aleatórias",

    description: ``,

    items: [

        input.config.table("table", { label: "Table" }),

        input.config.field("field", {

            parentTable: "table",

            label: "Field to randomize",




let { table, field } = settings;

output.text(`Randomizing ${} field in ${}.`);

let bounds;

switch (field.type) {    

    case "date":

        bounds = await inputBounds(async () => {

            let min = await inputDate("What should the earliest date be?");

            let max = await inputDate("What should the latest date be?");

            return await confirmBounds(min, max);


        await updateField((record) =>  lerpDate(bounds.min, bounds.max, record));


    case "dateTime":

        bounds = await inputBounds(async () => {

            let min = await inputDate("What should the earliest date time be?");

            let max = await inputDate("What should the latest date time be?");

            return await confirmBounds(min, max);



        await updateField((record) => lerpDate(bounds.min, bounds.max, record));




            `'${}' is a '${field.type}' and cannot be randomized. You can customize this script and add an algorithm to randomize this field, or change the settings to randomize a different field.`




output.text("Run again to randomize another field.");

function lerp(i, j, round = Math.round) {

    return round((j - i) * Math.random()) + i;



 * @param {Date} i

 * @param {Date} j


async function lerpDate(i, j, record, round = Math.round) {

    let randomDate = new Date(round(lerp(i.getTime(), j.getTime())));   

    let tipo = record.getCellValueAsString("Tipo");


    let dayOfWeek = randomDate.getDay();

    if(tipo.includes('Café Da Manhã') && tipo.includes('Janta')){

        var horas = [8, 19];

        var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * horas.length);



    else if (tipo.includes('Café Da Manhã')){             



    if(tipo.includes('Almoço') && tipo.includes('Janta')){            

        var horas = [12, 19];

        var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * horas.length);



    else if(tipo.includes('Almoço')){         



    else if (tipo.includes('Janta')){        




    else if( tipo.includes('Sobrmesa')){       


        if(dayOfWeek < 5){

            randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() + (5 - dayOfWeek));


        else if (dayOfWeek > 5){

            randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() - 1);



    else if( tipo.includes('Petisco')){               

        randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() + (6 - dayOfWeek));     



    if(dayOfWeek < 1 && !(tipo.includes('Vegano') || tipo.includes('Vegetariano'))){

        randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() + 1)


    if (tipo.includes('Vegano') || tipo.includes('Vegetariano')){      

        if(dayOfWeek < 1){

            var dia = [(randomDate.getDate() +1),(randomDate.getDate() +8),(randomDate.getDate() - 6)];

            var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * dia.length);



        else if (dayOfWeek > 1){

            randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() - (dayOfWeek - 1));



    for (let record2 of (await table.selectRecordsAsync({ fields: ["Dia de Preparo", "Tipo"] }))

    .records) {

        let diaDePreparo = new Date(record2.getCellValue(field));

        if(diaDePreparo.getDate() == randomDate.getDate() && diaDePreparo.getMonth() == randomDate.getMonth() && diaDePreparo.getHours() == randomDate.getHours()){

            randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() + 1)

            if(randomDate.getDay() == 3){

                randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() + Math.floor(Math.random() * (7 - 1 + 1) + 1))


            if (tipo.includes('Vegano') || tipo.includes('Vegetariano')){

                let dayOfWeek = randomDate.getDay();

                if(dayOfWeek < 1){

                    var dia = [(randomDate.getDate() +1),(randomDate.getDate() +8)];

                    var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * dia.length);


                }else if (dayOfWeek > 1){     

                    randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() + (8 - dayOfWeek));



            else if( tipo.includes('Petisco')){

                let dayOfWeek = randomDate.getDay();        

                randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() - (3 - dayOfWeek));


            else if( tipo.includes('Sobrmesa')){        

                let dayOfWeek = randomDate.getDay();        

                if(dayOfWeek < 5){

                    randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() + (5 - dayOfWeek));


                else if (dayOfWeek > 5){

                    randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() - 1);





    if(randomDate.getDay() == 3){

        randomDate.setDate(randomDate.getDate() + 1)



    return randomDate;    


async function inputDate(label) {

    return new Date(await input.textAsync(label || ""));


async function confirmBounds(min, max) {

    if (

        await input.buttonsAsync(

            `Randomize this field from '${min} to ${max}'?`,


                { label: "Yes", value: true },

                { label: "No", value: false },



    ) {

        return { min, max };



async function inputBounds(fn) {

    let bounds;

    do {

        bounds = fn();

    } while (!bounds);

    return bounds;



 * @param {(record: Record) => any} fn


async function updateField(fn) {

    let updates = [];

    for (let record of (await table.selectRecordsAsync({ fields: ["Dia de Preparo", "Tipo"] }))

        .records) {


        await table.updateRecordAsync(, { []: await fn(record) } );

        output.text(JSON.stringify(updates[updates.length - 1]));        


    for (let i = 0; i < updates.length; i += 50) {

        output.text(`update ${i} - ${i + 50}`);

        await table.updateRecordsAsync(updates.slice(i, i + 50));



but it doesn’t do what i want, i need only one meal per type (almoço, janta, café da manhã), except wednesday and mondays only have vegetarian/vegan options.

Dessert twice a week and snacks on Sunday

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