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I wish I could quickly merge two records selected on a grid view

It would be really nice if I could select two (or more) records with the checkboxes on my grid view and have a Merge Records option on the context menu that shows up when I right-click.

Clicking Merge would take me right to the “Resolve duplicate records” window of the Dedupe block, skipping the part where I have to select which table, view and fields I want to use in order to find duplicates.

I want to be able to find duplicates on the fly and merge them as I happen to notice them, instead of it being a whole separate task that I do in batches because it’s too cumbersome to do for just a couple records.

3 replies


Couldn’t you just have DeDupe set up to look for records with a Checkbox field checked? Sure you’d be adding one more field to your base, but it allows you to configure the app once and identify duplicates yourself on the fly

Kamille_Parks11 wrote:

Couldn’t you just have DeDupe set up to look for records with a Checkbox field checked? Sure you’d be adding one more field to your base, but it allows you to configure the app once and identify duplicates yourself on the fly

That is a good work-around to keep in mind if I ever have a particular table or view where I frequently wanted to do a one-off dedupe.

The convenience of adding a merge option to the context menu when multiple records are selected is that it would work for all tables without having to add an extra field, the checkbox to select a record is always visible vs. a special field that I might want to hide to remove clutter, and I don’t have to remember to uncheck my checkboxes afterward since if I click away from a selected record it will automatically de-select.

On the topic of Dedupe App improvements, I wish there was a back button on the Resolve Duplicate Records window for when I too-hastily skip a set of records but then change my mind and want to go back to take a closer look at them without having to start the whole dedupe process over again (in situations where I have been skipping a bunch of records that aren’t actually duplicates in order to get to a handful of records that actually are duplicates).

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • November 30, 2023

I'd love to get this in as a request... It'd be so much easier if I could select 2 records, right click and merge them... even if it just then opens those particular records in dedupe
