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Kanban grouping using link fields

Is there any way to use link fields for kanban stacks. It appears that only single select fields can be used, but I would like to use a grouping field that is a lookup to another table. As a simple example, I have a location field, which is a lookup field to another table, defining locations. I would like to use that as the grouping field in a kanban view. It looks as though the only option I have currently is to duplicate the field with a single select field, and then find a way to keep both in sync?

Many thanks for any help


118 replies

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • November 25, 2016

I’d like the same functionality that Neil is asking for

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • December 17, 2016

I’d also like that to be possible.

I’d also like to have that functionality.

Is it possible to create a single select field and get the options from another table?
I am trying to view a table in Kanban mode and get the cards arranged by a particular field … but that data is currently linked to another table and not a single select field.

  • Known Participant
  • 63 replies
  • February 15, 2017

I wonder if this would be better solved by allowing linked records to be the basis of a Kanban view as well as single selects, rather than creating a single-select mode for linked records.

Matt_Sayward wrote:

I wonder if this would be better solved by allowing linked records to be the basis of a Kanban view as well as single selects, rather than creating a single-select mode for linked records.

Yes, definitely. I was just hoping for a workaround.
Airtable is incredibly powerful and yet still has some huge weak spots that could turn people away.
Kanban is a great feature but needs to be more flexible in order to really leverage Airtable´s data handling possibilities.

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • February 22, 2017

Also looking for this feature.

Also looking for this feature.

Also looking for this feature.

  • Inspiring
  • 47 replies
  • May 8, 2017

This would be great. I know kanban is about moving work along a visual pipeline. But the format has more potential. I was hoping to create a Kanban view using web pages as the stacks. I could then see and arrange content sections by page stack. It can be don by grouping, but the line up of pages and content was an appealing concept.

  • Inspiring
  • 59 replies
  • June 12, 2017

I’m in content publishing, and we regularly have to keep track of which content has been published, etc. across several different clients and account managers. So naturally I have to use different tables for each client as each client has a different and unique publishing schedule.

This feature would be a game-changer for me as well, as I’ve been trying to find workarounds for this for the last several hours. Tried to duplicate a column, and sync columns across two tables, but couldn’t find a solution. Using linked fields for kanban stacks would be a godsend as it’ll help me bring sync all the content across several tables

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • July 23, 2017

Another vote for this feature. I wouldn’t mind if dragging records isn’t supported for field types different from single select.

  • New Participant
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  • August 3, 2017

Another vote for this feature too!

Would allow calculated fields once an observation meets a criteria to be automatically moved along.

  • Known Participant
  • 45 replies
  • October 20, 2017

Please can we have this

I also really want this to be a thing. I have a to-do list, which has a link field to a projects list, and I’d like to group the todo list by project

  • Known Participant
  • 23 replies
  • February 1, 2018


Please add this feature!

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • February 16, 2018
David_Jeffers wrote:

I also really want this to be a thing. I have a to-do list, which has a link field to a projects list, and I’d like to group the todo list by project

I’m in the exact same situation…otherwise I can view from the project side, showing the tasks in a card, but only a few and not in any ‘actionable’ way (checkbox, etc.)

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • March 7, 2018

Another vote for this feature. Please keep the drag & drop functionality!

I have the same problem. I would change to airtable if it had this simple feature.

  • Known Participant
  • 13 replies
  • April 12, 2018

I would love this feature. I think it would only work for single-instance links though. A record cannot be in 2 stacks at once. But I think this feature has great potential.

up-voting this as well!

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • May 9, 2018

+1 - we need this as well!

  • Known Participant
  • 19 replies
  • June 6, 2018

+1 - Yes, this would be great and seemingly very sensical for Linked Record fields with a 1-1 record connection. I see that @Katherine_Duh merged this post with another similar post, hopefully this is a good sign that this is in the development pipeline. I rarely if ever use the Kanban view for this exact reason.

can we add me to the list of people requesting this? Especially for single-link! It makes so much sense (and frankly, Kaban is the best view for my uses too but is currently severely limited). it would be nice to also be able to drag the records and change the link.

I keep thinking of ways to work around this using formulas and then I remember that those aren’t functional for that either!

One more vote to have this+ thanks!
