I'm using a Repeatable Group with an Update Record inside to take a list of records from a Find Records action and update a field in the found records. When the list of records contains only one record the test runs successfully. When the list of records contains more than one record I get a received invalid input error. I think I know why this is happening.
If I look at the Input table after a test I see Record ID listed there followed by a single record id if only one record was found. If more than one record is found then I see Record ID followed by multiple record ids separated by commas. If this is what is being presented to the Update Record action of course this will cause an error. If I'm reading the documentation correctly the input from the Repeatable Group should be a separate Record ID followed by a single record id for each record found rather than a single Record ID followed by multiple record ids. Why is the Repeatable Group not presenting the Record IDs to the Update Record action one record id at a time from the list?