I’ve been using the “Find Records” aspect of automations and super helpful.
It doesn’t seem to be well documented anywhere though, and where I am very confused is that often there will a value from a previous step that I want to use (dynamic), but it is not available, only <>length. Unhelpfully rather than being greyed out, or not visible, I always end up clicking through to find it’s not available!
From what I can tell, you can not use any of the following as a dynamic variable in the Find Records automation:
- Formula value
- Linked record
- Roll-up
Considering those make up a large percentage of my tables, it’s a little frustrating! Indeed it seems that the only values you can actually use dynamically, are ones that have been manually populated.
But that means either having to actually populate those fields manually, or using an automation to print the value int he field (so it looks like it has been created manually). But that seems an awful waste of a precious automation given you get a measly 25 and I’m already on the edge!
Has anyone else experienced this? Is this documented anywhere? Anyone found any good workarounds?
And Airtable, any plans to change this behaviour in the near future?