Hi there,
I am somewhat new to Airtable, and need some help. I have built 90% of what I need already however I am stuck with one final challenge. I have created an automation that will send a weekly digest email with all of the logged activities over the past 90 days (calls, emails, meetings etc) that I can share with my clients, specific to their project.
The email that is generated (preview) sorts these table records based on the date/time that they were INPUT TO AIRTABLE instead of the date that they actually occurred (sometimes I log activity a few days after the fact). I have created a date field which has the actual meeting times and would have preferred the automated email to sort results based on that date field however I don’t know how to do that.
Automation info:
Runs every week at Friday 6pm
Action 1 : Find records where date is within past 90 days.
My table is called “Activity”
Find records based on Condition (where date is within the past 90 days)
Action 2 : Send email to me
Subject has “Records / Length” and a text description to indicate the number of total activities
Message has “Records / Render as HTML Grid”
As mentioned above I need to find a way to sort these record based on my “Activity date” field instead of the default sort order which is incorrect.