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Is it possible to remove the "view in airtable" link at the bottom of emails when sent from a base?

  • June 26, 2024
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view

I've been using AT for a few years now and have begun to really use the automation and other tools that make it easy to share info with others outside of my organization.

One thing that continues to happen is I send a note via the Send Record option from a grid which includes all the pertinent info the recipient needs. But at the bottom of each email it also has a link "view in airtable." Clients are now trying to click it and gain access to our base, which is not needed for them to see the info (its all in the email).... Is there a way to remove the "view in airtable" link that automatically appears?

(PS - I'm doing this as an ad-hoc manual task, not an automation)


1 reply


No, I don't think there's a way to remove it. However, if the receiver isn't a collaborator on your base, the link doesn't take them anywhere.
