Hi Yall!
I have a potentially confusing one…
We have a team of people who are continuously onboarding and training on new items/products etc… Today, we utilize a checklist that is effectively in a document, and our teams have to copy their own instance of the checklist, and then work from that.
The first problem is: things change. Things like, links to resources & documentation, training modules, etc… are always changing, and when these change in the, let’s call it Source Checklist, these changes are NOT propagated to everyone else’s individual checklist.
The second problem is: new items/tasks are added. Every day we think of new things and improvements to help our teams learn, but much like our first problem, when we add new items to the Source Checklist, these of course are NOT reflected in the trainee’s individual checklist.
Effectively, what I’m looking to do is utilize Air Table to create a scalable checklist where I can update one system of record/table, and add to it, and it propagates the adds & updates to everyone else’s checklist.
For example, let’s say Lisa is starting her training in Coding. Somehow (This is one of the first TBDs), we create a checklist for Lisa based off of an Airtable base we’ll call “Coding Checklist Base”, which has a list of things like, “Learn Do While Loops” and “Read Coding for Success” etc… Presumeably, I need a new Table somewhere that somehow links LISA to a question, but then it has to add a checkbox specifically for Lisa’s instance of that task (I mean, I guess I could add a checkbox column “Lisa_complete” per person but I feel like thre may be a better way to do this, because there could be upwards of 200-300 people on my team). I’m sure I could do this with automations, but would like to keep that to a minimum if possible. But I’m not sure how to set this up structurally.
Now lets say Bob starts a month after Lisa, and only then do you realize that the Link to “Read Coding for Success” is broken and no longer works, and you realize there is no line Item for “Learn For Loops”.
The desired functionality here would be…
- Updating the link in the “Coding Checklist Base” for “Read Coding for Success” updates the link in Lisa’s checklist.
- Adding “Learn For Loops” to the base Table, adds this as a checklist line item on Lisa’s checklist that she will need to complete as well.
Let me know what yall think here b/c this will save us all a lot of headaches!!