Been tinkering away with systems and methodology - this evening I got thinking (dangerous in itself) of how I could use Airtable to design/showcase product codes, and hopefully even allow users to develop their own products with this base.
However, preventing me from pushing forward is a limitation of Airtable that’s stuck year on year - but interestingly it really hasn’t bothered me until now… where I realise it’s kind of in the way and a big deal… so I figured I would try my luck and ask for some opinions on these lovely forums.
So for an example - Let’s say, we’re Willy Wonker’ing it all up in our bases
We can use this “Candy Code” table to name and design our candy products and associated codes - however, as the colour red can apply to both strawberries and apples, we have a slight dilemma with a need for adding multiple reds into the Colours Table.
Sure, we can filter views via themes so that the “Apple Red” only shows up under an Apple view, and a “Strawberry Red” only shows up under a Strawberry view.
But this doesn’t solve a pick-list issue, where by selecting the “Theme” within the Candy Code table doesn’t then limit the selection of the following Colour and Flavour lists.
I’ve been thinking about this workflow for many hours now, concluding that two things;
- A Feature Request for Airtable Devs is needed to solve this.
- A Scripting App interface is needed to come to the rescue.
I’m keen to hear everyone’s thoughts on this, and please don’t judge me for my sugar coated example (although how cool would it be to design candy for a living! ). And I did find similar questions from a few years back, but just thought there’s no harm in checking as Airtable seems to be receiving a lot of development lately.