Hi there,
I’m hoping to get some help with a workflow I’m trying to figure out. I have a base with records that include a checkbox for an approval, as well as a field who approved it, and a last modified time stamp to track when it was approved.
So far I’ve been able to base this off an automation that when the Status (drop-down) moves to “Ready for Review”, the Slack message goes out and asks for a review.
Now what I’d like to add is a link/button that will allow the person or people receiving the Slack message to click it, and it should then change the checkbox to checked for the approval (and ideally noting who it was; but willing to let that go if it’s too hard).
I’ve been reading up on webhooks and similar solutions, but wanted to poll the community what could be a good way to do that.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Kind regards,