Hi there,
I've created an airtable where i store (anonymously) every lead generated for our clients by our agency.
i have différent informations : ID of the lead, client, agency of the client, campaign, Revenue, Cost, source and a few other field.
The problem is in 3 months we are already reaching 50K records and even getting the 250K plan won't be an option. So i plan to have 2 bases :
- One (the current) where the leads keeps arriving every day (the history will stop at the previous month included)
- One where i merge the records by month (by doing the sum of the cost and the revenue). This would reduce greatly the number of records.
For example, let's say i have 200 records of leads for one of my client that came from Facebook in november, I would reduce that to one line only.
Then 1500 leads for that same client come from Google and it would also be reduced to a line.
Any idea how i could do this ? via a Script ?
or is there a better way to manage this ?
thanks in advance !