Unfortunately, Airtable’s interfaces do not support iFrames nor any embedding of live web content.
Your best bet would probably be to just create a formula that results in a unique URL link for each record, and then the user can click on the link to take them to the stock chart in a new browser tab. This solution is easy, quick, and it’s natively built into Airtable.
However, if you really need a live stock chart embedded as an iFrame within your interface, then you would be required to rebuild your interface in a 3rd-party portal tool that supports both Airtable and embedded iFrames.
The 4 most popular portals that are currently available for Airtable are: Noloco, JetAdmin, Softr, and Glide.
I give a brief demo of Noloco on this Airtable podcast episode. And I gave an entire one-hour webinar on Noloco called Building a Client Portal on Noloco powered by Airtable. The CEO of Noloco gave a demonstration of his product on this podcast episode.
Alternatively, if you want to stay completely within Airtable, this would definitely not be the ideal solution at all, but remember that Airtable’s attachment fields support STATIC IMAGES like JPGs and PNGs.
So, if you could find a stock chart API on the web, you could have the user click on a button in Airtable to bring in the latest STATIC IMAGE of the chart into the attachment field. This could be accomplished through Javascripting, or it could be accomplished in a low-code way using Make’s HTTP module.
You would simply trigger the entire process of bringing in the static image by using an Airtable automation. In this thread, I discuss how to instantly trigger a Make automation from an Airtable automation.
But like I mentioned above, this is not the ideal solution, because it’s not a live stock chart. It’s just a static image that continually needs to be refreshed by the user.
Hope this helps! If you’d like to hire the best Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld