Hi @Jordan_Scott1 ,
This is great news that will certainly be welcomed with enthusiasm by the Community!
Unfortunately, as far as I am concerned, I continue, against my preferences, to make a sparing use, not to say rare, of Automations
as long as I can’t protect myself from a complete blocking of my Business Logic in case I would have exceeded the Limits by buying additional Automation CREDITS from you!
This means that when I need Automation, I always first choose known external Integrators from whom I am sure I can buy additional Automation Credits, additional execution cycles!
This is not my first choice, and I deplore it, both because it is not the best recommended practice because external well-known Integrators (Glu-Factories according to @Bill.French ) probably load and overload your Infrastructure by means of the Polling technique, and finally, I miss out on the very relevant evolutions of the Automations and their UX that you have already proposed.
So I hope that your platform will allow in a not too far future to buy some quotas of supplements of this or that, according to the real needs, and in particular of the execution cycles (occupation of your VMs), supplements of automations to a base and other cases which enter this category.