Base Design
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Forum Posts

Video uploading bug

Hey,I have a video uploading bug since some days.To be clear, we created an editorial calendar at work and when we try to upload videos, it takes soooooo long to be done until it finally does not work.Is it possible that we uploaded to many videos ?D...

guenabi by 4 - Data Explorer
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field order - global update?

Whenever I change the order of fields in one view, I then have to change the sane view in other views one at a time.  (I know I don't have to, but I want to!). Is there a way to change the order of all fields in all views automatically?tia

How to wrap text in timeline view blocks??

Is there a way to wrap the text in these blocks in Timeline view, so that i can actually read these tasks when they fall on a single day, without having to widen them and end up with even more endless side scrolling?I tried switching that field from ...


Looking for someone to create a Sales KPI Dashboard

Hello  Here's a Loom of our vision / need If this is a project you'd be interested in, please email with the Subject line: I'd like to make your Epic AirTable KPI Dashboar...

Filtering a view on a formula field?

My filer is not working as expected.  I am filtering on formula field.The goal is to hide paid charges and only show unpaid charges.  My filter is filtering on NOT = $0.00.  Showing pictures of file, results and the formula for the field.

Lforino by 4 - Data Explorer
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Linked Records Not Showing In Alternate Views

I have a base set up with a few tabs - one is vendor tracker with 30+ columns and another is a payment tracker for those vendors. I have multiple views set up of the vendor tracker (for ease of viewing and not seeing the 30+ columns) - contracting, p...