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I use Airtable to track my clients' tasks..
The problem is that I have several types of clients, each with a different package and each package has a different task list.

There are 3 different packages, for each package different tasks.
In addition, each package has intake tasks (at the time of customer intake), daily tasks that repeat every day, tasks that repeat every end of the month and tasks that repeat every quarter (3 months)..

How do you suggest I organize all these tasks in an orderly and accessible way?

This is very important to me, I would love to see and try any answer 🙌

If I were you I'd try creating one record template per package, and would create automations that would create those daily, monthly, and quarterly tasks whenever the current batch of tasks were done.  This might potentially burn through a lot of automation runs though, so I would try to make the automation that creates the daily tasks create 25 daily tasks each time (we can add 25 actions per automation)
