A capability that could be extremely relevant for many use cases (i.e., CRM, Project Management, and others) would be the record ID reference in enriched long-text. Golden does this in a very elegant way (see: https://golden.com/wiki/Microsoft-6GKP), where the description of Microsoft is then linked to another record with structured data. I imagine a functionality in enriched text that allows you to mention in text for a different record in the same (or different) airtable base. A clear example is a reference call where you mention that during this reference call, the name of a different company popped up. So the text reads something like: "During the call with a prospective client, the name of record_id:xyx came up. Additionally, record_id:zzy was highly recommended. ". In this case, the record_id:xyx also tracks information on when it was mentioned independently. As well as record_id:zzy both linking to the same reference.
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