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Feb 11, 2023 03:28 PM
The lack of folders in workspaces has driven me a bit mad, as I have dozens of bases in my Pro workspace and clever naming conventions don't always meet my needs. I haven't come across a better solution, so wanted to share my (simple) approach.
Note: You'll need to have a Google Drive account integrated with the Airtable account in question. I'm not an Enterprise user, so perhaps this isn't so relevant to Enterprise admins.
If you have dozens of bases, the most time consuming part is to manually tag the workspace that the base lives in, and to keep that updated manually if for whatever reason a base moves around from workspace to workspace. Otherwise, the whole process was very quick and easy.
Feb 11, 2023 03:33 PM - edited Feb 12, 2023 12:58 PM
Here are some screenshots of the process.
These two should be toggled on in your Account Overview page
The resulting base links in your new Airtable folder:
Sync table (I later removed some of these fields)
After adding custom fields and grouping by workspace/category. The "Open in Google Drive" takes you straight to the base.
Apr 17, 2023 12:41 PM
Update: For this to work with more than one Airtable user, remember to make the "Airtable" folder in your Drive "viewable to anyone with the link." This is the folder that holds links to each Airtable base.
Don't worry! This doesn't give anyone access to a base or workspace they don't have permissions for. That is still managed in Airtable.
For the person who sets this up in their own drive, clicking on the "Open Base" button in the directory will bring them straight to the base.
For all other users, they must be signed into their own Airtable account and Drive account. They will see an intermediate page that looks like this:
Then they click on "Open with" and choose Airtable, which brings them to the base (or a warning page if they don't have access to that base.)
Hope this helps!
May 25, 2023 11:14 AM
Lovely! Thanks for sharing
Aug 25, 2023 10:48 AM
Update: I have noticed that when bases are deleted, there is quite a delay for the Google Drive folder to be updated. This is a workaround that works for mostly static base libraries, perhaps not the best solution for very dynamic ones.