A few weeks ago we added the ability to upload files in the scripting block using input.fileAsync, and wanted to open up another challenge to the community around this feature.
For this challenge, submit a script that uses the input.fileAsync API for a specific workflow. We’d love to see creative and useful ways for this new input type to be used!
Maybe it’s a smarter importer, for example with fuzzy matching to update existing records, or a way to import Excel files with multiple sheets, or importers for other common apps that export CSV, JSON, or XML files. Or maybe it’s something totally different!
The winner of this contest will win $1,000 :tada: . All submissions are due by May 8, 2020 at 6:00pm (PST).
What exactly should be submitted
To qualify for participating in this content, you should submit:
- A script using input.fileAsync in the scripting block
- A short video demo of the script in action
- A description of what the script does
Guidelines on submission format
Submit your entry by replying to this thread. Include a description of what your script does, the code for the script, and a link to the video demo. Since your description of what the script does is posted in this thread, the demo video should be concise enough to only demonstrate the script in action (ideally no more than 2 to 3 minutes); we won’t be judging submissions based on video length or production quality.
What rubric we will use for judging submissions
We’ll ask a panel of five of our customer success managers to vote on the script that demonstrate the most creativity and usefulness with the input.fileAsync API.
Terms and Conditions
All submissions are due by May 8, 2020 at 6:00pm (PST). The content winner will be announced within a week after the submission deadline. Please see our full Terms and Conditions for this contest here.