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Content Agency Looking to Scale

I run a content agency that writes and publishes blog posts for other companies and need to scale to hundreds of blog posts per month from dozens of writers.

I am looking for an Airtable consultant who has experience building templates for content production companies to bring ideas that work to the table.

I like some of the Airtable example templates and believe we can build off there.

I’d like a bit more complex features such as the ones listed in these articles:

  1. blog.airtable./agency-in-a-box-using-airtable-to-manage-content-contractors-clients/

  2. blog.airtable./4-000-pieces-of-content-15-writers-across-3-time-zones-and-1-editor/

7 User roles:

  • Business Owner (me)

  • Editor (manager, me currently)

  • SEO

  • Content Writer

  • Graphic Designer

  • Article Poster

  • Press Release Writer & Poster

  • Customer

Users attributes (preferably with intake form):

  • Email

  • Skype

  • Job Site URL

  • Location

  • Timezone

  • How many tasks can they do per week?

  • Cost (hidden, assigned by admin)

  • Which customers they have access to (assigned by admin)


Editor to view customer projects:

  • To get up and running faster I’m OK launching with just a view of all sprints content by customer

  • A view to see all content statuses by customer

  • Late articles by customer

  • This sprint’s content calendar by customer

  • All sprints content calendar by customer

Editor to view employee status reports:

  • Worker activities with current status of content + historical stats like total published, number of revisions late vs on-time, words written, cost. Also broken out by number of tasks in each status

  • $ spent per customer - vs revenue, margin, etc

Writer view:

Previously published by them, progress, upcoming articles for customers assigned to them

Writers can assign articles to themselves

Columns - author, status, 1st draft due date, 1st draft received date, final due date, final received date, # of revisions, topic, h1, h2s, internal links,

Steps to getting a blog post live:

1)Customer / Editor - Request narrative from customer or editor (1 week from start date, auto move on)

  • Auto generate google sheet

  1. SEO - Assign content outline & seo optimizations to SEO (3 days from #1 completing)

  2. Writer - Assign content topic to writer (1 week from #2 completing)

  • Auto create Google Doc in specific folder

  1. Editor - Review content + feedback/revisions (3 days from #3 completing)

  • Optional feedback by customer (pass / feedback), if not received, or marked pass, after 1 week move to next step - scheduling

  1. Designer - Assign featured image to graphic designer (1 week from start date)

  • Click link in email to upload asset

  1. Uploader - Upload and schedule content on blog (3 days after step #4)

  2. PR Writer - Write and schedule a press release (2 weeks after seo outlines)

  • include the URL from SEO optimizations

  1. Editor - Review scheduled post (3 days after #6)

  • Send SEO optimizations in an email w/ link to scheduled post

At each step it should be:

  1. Emailing people when the task is ready with instructions & expectations

  2. Emailing people + me who are overdue

  3. Updating the status of the blog post as it moves to scheduling

  4. Including any links to other pieces of data e.g. google doc from writers, etc

I want to understand

  • How to adjust the trigger dates on my own

  • How to add instructions to emails being sent as notifications

Client reporting:

  • Monthly email of stats of where each blog post is, and links to published


  • Daily email on stats across all clients and number of projects in each status

  • Daily email for contractors with topics in each stage of status and late work + upcoming work & due dates

Attached to an article should be

Keyword (editor)

Volume (editor)

Status - auto

Due Date - auto

First draft start date - auto?

First draft received date - auto?

Final draft - auto?

Final draft received date - auto?

Number of revisions - auto?

URL (seo)

Meta title (seo)

Meta Description (seo)

Category (seo)

Featured image (graphic designer)

Auto generated google doc for article (writer)

Word count (writer)

Internal links 1-5 (seo)

Link to scheduled post (poster)

Scheduled release date (poster)

Link to scheduled press release (PR writer & poster)

Scheduled release date (PR writer & poster)


  • Stage 1 - 6

  • Waiting for narrative

  • Being written

  • Needs writer

  • Uploaded/Scheduled

  • PR Written Scheduled

  • Reviewed / Complete

  • Delayed (can be marked on any task)

I’d like to know

  • If you can use an existing template as a base

  • Time & cost to build this out (the more sophisticated stuff is optional)

  • Order of features to allow me to start using ASAP

3 replies

  • 0 replies
  • May 9, 2019

Hello @Nicholas_Jordan,

My name is Eric and I am here to assist you with your Airtable needs. I understand you’d like to see several things done on your Airtable base. I know for some of the tasks, we will need to use 3rd party automation tools like Zapier, however everything you mentioned should be possible. I think a phone call would be a good next step to discussing your project in detail so I can hear your ideas and provide a price and turn around time to get this going.

If you’d like to discuss your project, please schedule a free consultation with me via this link:

You can also connect with me on linkedin -


Eric Kline

  • Inspiring
  • 351 replies
  • May 9, 2019

Hi Nick, we are currently building a similar environment for a large content marketing group. Feel free to reach out to discuss in more detail:

Dan from Openside

  • Participating Frequently
  • 586 replies
  • May 10, 2019

Hi Nicholas,

This sounds well within my area of expertise and I would be happy to help you out.

You can reach me on

Best Wishes,

