I run a content agency that writes and publishes blog posts for other companies and need to scale to hundreds of blog posts per month from dozens of writers.
I am looking for an Airtable consultant who has experience building templates for content production companies to bring ideas that work to the table.
I like some of the Airtable example templates and believe we can build off there.
I’d like a bit more complex features such as the ones listed in these articles:
- blog.airtable./agency-in-a-box-using-airtable-to-manage-content-contractors-clients/
- blog.airtable./4-000-pieces-of-content-15-writers-across-3-time-zones-and-1-editor/
7 User roles:
- Business Owner (me)
- Editor (manager, me currently)
- Content Writer
- Graphic Designer
- Article Poster
- Press Release Writer & Poster
- Customer
Users attributes (preferably with intake form):
- Skype
- Job Site URL
- Location
- Timezone
- How many tasks can they do per week?
- Cost (hidden, assigned by admin)
- Which customers they have access to (assigned by admin)
Editor to view customer projects:
- To get up and running faster I’m OK launching with just a view of all sprints content by customer
- A view to see all content statuses by customer
- Late articles by customer
- This sprint’s content calendar by customer
- All sprints content calendar by customer
Editor to view employee status reports:
- Worker activities with current status of content + historical stats like total published, number of revisions late vs on-time, words written, cost. Also broken out by number of tasks in each status
- $ spent per customer - vs revenue, margin, etc
Writer view:
Previously published by them, progress, upcoming articles for customers assigned to them
Writers can assign articles to themselves
Columns - author, status, 1st draft due date, 1st draft received date, final due date, final received date, # of revisions, topic, h1, h2s, internal links,
Steps to getting a blog post live:
1)Customer / Editor - Request narrative from customer or editor (1 week from start date, auto move on)
- Auto generate google sheet
- SEO - Assign content outline & seo optimizations to SEO (3 days from #1 completing)
- Writer - Assign content topic to writer (1 week from #2 completing)
- Auto create Google Doc in specific folder
- Editor - Review content + feedback/revisions (3 days from #3 completing)
- Optional feedback by customer (pass / feedback), if not received, or marked pass, after 1 week move to next step - scheduling
- Designer - Assign featured image to graphic designer (1 week from start date)
- Click link in email to upload asset
- Uploader - Upload and schedule content on blog (3 days after step #4)
- PR Writer - Write and schedule a press release (2 weeks after seo outlines)
- include the URL from SEO optimizations
- Editor - Review scheduled post (3 days after #6)
- Send SEO optimizations in an email w/ link to scheduled post
At each step it should be:
- Emailing people when the task is ready with instructions & expectations
- Emailing people + me who are overdue
- Updating the status of the blog post as it moves to scheduling
- Including any links to other pieces of data e.g. google doc from writers, etc
I want to understand
- How to adjust the trigger dates on my own
- How to add instructions to emails being sent as notifications
Client reporting:
- Monthly email of stats of where each blog post is, and links to published
- Daily email on stats across all clients and number of projects in each status
- Daily email for contractors with topics in each stage of status and late work + upcoming work & due dates
Attached to an article should be
Keyword (editor)
Volume (editor)
Status - auto
Due Date - auto
First draft start date - auto?
First draft received date - auto?
Final draft - auto?
Final draft received date - auto?
Number of revisions - auto?
URL (seo)
Meta title (seo)
Meta Description (seo)
Category (seo)
Featured image (graphic designer)
Auto generated google doc for article (writer)
Word count (writer)
Internal links 1-5 (seo)
Link to scheduled post (poster)
Scheduled release date (poster)
Link to scheduled press release (PR writer & poster)
Scheduled release date (PR writer & poster)
- Stage 1 - 6
- Waiting for narrative
- Being written
- Needs writer
- Uploaded/Scheduled
- PR Written Scheduled
- Reviewed / Complete
- Delayed (can be marked on any task)
I’d like to know
- If you can use an existing template as a base
- Time & cost to build this out (the more sophisticated stuff is optional)
- Order of features to allow me to start using ASAP