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Compare current month with previous year

Hi there,
I’ve got an orders table with 4 years of orders. We’d like a block or way to see which client’s ordered this month and along side that see which client’s ordered the same month last year. For example: Show orders Nov 2018 and show orders Nov 2017. I couldn’t see a way to create a view that would automatically show the previous year’s month. Any ideas welcomed!

5 replies

What about adding two Formula fields with YEAR() and MONTH() and then grouping by month and year?

  • Author
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  • 54 replies
  • July 18, 2019

Hey @Elias_Gomez_Sainz, thanks for the reply. Looks like the only way to show current month is to create a formula and use another field :frowning:

nnnnneil wrote:

Hey @Elias_Gomez_Sainz, thanks for the reply. Looks like the only way to show current month is to create a formula and use another field :frowning:

I’m not sure if I understand what do you mean. Did you what I recommended?

You could add also a client Grouping to check those that bought in both years.

Even you could add a Formula to the Clients table to get only those who have orders in both years.

It all depends on what is your base structure and exactly what do you want to achiev.

  • Author
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  • 54 replies
  • September 3, 2019

HI @Elias_Gomez_Sainz,

Thanks for the reply. I currently have a sales dashboard. On that dashboard there are 4 pivot tables showing totals of different products sold in a time period:

  1. Current Month
  2. Previous Month
  3. Previous Year’s Current Month
  4. Previous Year’s Previous Month

So for right now, that would mean a view for September 2019, a view for August 2019, a view for September 2018 and a view for August 2018. Currently each view needs to be hard coded with a range e.g. 1st Aug - 31st Aug 2019 etc. and needs to be updated every month by hand.

Now if Airtable (@Katherine_Duh) supported relative dates that would be a big help :slightly_smiling_face:

I would add that extra Formula field and then I’ll filter by it.

My formula:

IF(AND(MONTH({Fecha y hora}) = MONTH(NOW()),YEAR({Fecha y hora}) = YEAR(NOW())),1)
