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How to filter the records by character in Airtable

  • October 10, 2019
  • 1 reply

Hi I am new to airtable database. I need a help for the following problem I have a number of cities in a MetroAreas Table.In a name field contains the cities i.e; Pheonix,Denver, Detriot and etc… I would like to filter the records like if you have to enter the “D” character and search then it should shows the Denver and Detroit as well as “P” it should shows the Pheonix. I tried to get a record if user enters the complete name of the city for following query Areas?filterByFormula=OR(LOWER({Name})=LOWER(‘Phoenix’))

How to get the records by characters or substring of the city.Please help me out of this problem.

Thanks in advance.

1 reply


Welcome to the community, @Taruni_G! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: Sorry to see that nobody has responded to this yet. :frowning:

Is this still a problem, or have you found a solution? I can’t quite tell if you’re seeking a solution via the main application, or via the API, as your comments seem to refer to both.
