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Welcome to the New and Improved Airtable Community

Welcome to the New and Improved Airtable Community
  • Community Manager
  • 140 replies

Welcome back to the Airtable Community! You might have noticed a few things have changed, and we’re so excited for you to explore the newly designed space that we’ve built for you. 


Why did we make these changes?

We always want to create a better experience for our members guided by what our members find most important. Based on feedback we’ve heard, the Airtable team made the decision to redesign a community experience tailored to better connect, engage, and empower all of our members. 

In this new iteration of the Airtable Community, we hope that members will find it easier to share ideas, collaborate, and access resources in a more intuitive and engaging way. In the long run, this will also help us to build stronger connections, drive meaningful conversations, and ensure everyone feels supported and valued.

For example, we have a new points system! For every action you take, you will now achieve a certain number of points, and you can see who our most active members are on the leaderboard. The leaderboard will reset each week so you all have equal opportunity to rise to the top! Don’t worry — badges are still around and you will get special badges once you’ve hit certain milestones but you’ll have to participate to find out 👀

✨ We also have a new and improved product ideas process! Read about it here.

Of course, we’re bound to have a few hiccups along the way as we navigate this new experience together, but this is where you come in! As you explore the community, if you spot any bugs, have ideas for improvement, or want to share things that you like, please let us know through this feedback form

Feel free to bookmark it — that form will remain open so we can get continuous feedback from members throughout the year!

What’s staying the same?

A lot of things are not changing! Members of the Airtable Community are still expected to abide by the same Code of Conduct and Guidelines that we have upheld since the community was founded. The only slight difference is that we’ve added language around AI use. TL;DR, we aren’t discouraging the use of AI in replies, but we ask that you use it responsibly and always fact check your answers. 

The Airtable Community team is also still here! You’ll see Airtablets pop in and out of the forum and user groups, but the team below are the ones who moderate this space. We’d love to get to know you a bit more, so here are some fun facts about us first!


@MaddieJ is a Sr. Program Manager for the Airtable Community, passionate about fostering community connection. When she’s not sparking discussions in the community forums or at user group events, Maddie’s hard at work strategizing how to make the Airtable Community the best it can be.

Most used emoji: ✨

Favorite weekend activities: Morning walks while listening to an audiobook, card games with friends, and catching the latest movies at my local independent movie theater


@GCheung joined Airtable in November 2024 and is a Sr. Program Manager for the Airtable Community based in the SF Bay Area. She loves building and nurturing thriving communities online and offline and is excited to apply her skills and experience in supporting Airtable’s community members.

Most used emoji: 🙌🏻

Favorite weekend activities: Visiting the farmers market, catching up on a show, going to the dog park with her Formosan Mountain Dog, Momo


👋 Now it’s your turn: introduce yourself here! 

What should I do in this new community?

Whether you’re a seasoned member or someone new to our community, we want you to explore! And we’ve got a fun badge for people who jump in on the day of our relaunch: Legacy users who log in on AND new members who sign up on March 13, 2025 will each get a special badge to celebrate your first day in the new Airtable community.

Here are some specific recommendations if you don’t know where to go first:

  1. If you’re new, start here!
  2. Check out our User Groups and sign up for one (or all!)
  3. Start some conversations, help a peer, etc. Again, share early feedback with us as you click through the community so we can continue to make improvements as we go. 

Expected issues & growing pains

We appreciate your patience while we work through any lingering issues that persist after our launch. A few things we’re anticipating:

  • Signing in without SSO: If you aren’t currently signing in via SSO, you will need to reset your password to log in to the community.
  • User Groups: If you were already a member of a User Group, you will have to join again.
  • User Profiles: Your avatar might need some fixing up if it’s looking stretched out, and you’ll need to re-add your signature if you had one previously.
  • Discussion Subscriptions: If you previously subscribed to updates on specific discussion categories, you will need to subscribe again.
  • Badges: Your badges may not be available on your profile yet, but you should be able to see them soon. You also will need to hover over the badge image to see the badge title, as there isn’t a badge “landing page” to view all badges and descriptions.

Thanks to all of our amazing community members! We appreciate your patience as we continue to improve, and hope you enjoy this new space as much as we do!

Did this topic help you find an answer to your question?

23 replies


I noticed I have all my solutions/replies ported over from the previous community versions, but no points or badges. Will these be updated to match previous contributions or is the leaderboard starting from 0?


Actually nevermind, it looks like badges are loading in on their own. Perhaps it just needed me to login/make the first reply to register.

  • Author
  • Community Manager
  • 140 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Hey ​@Kamille_Parks11 welcome to the new community experience! So glad you’re here.

All of your badges will be re-added to your profile soon, let me update this blog post to make that clear.

As the point system is new to this platform, everyone is starting at 0 and the leaderboard on the home page will reset each week so anyone can have the chance to be featured! While it would be awesome to have points from your past activity, the badges you’ve earned will help reflect your expertise. 


Have fun exploring! 

  • Author
  • Community Manager
  • 140 replies
  • March 13, 2025
Kamille_Parks11 wrote:

Actually nevermind, it looks like badges are loading in on their own. Perhaps it just needed me to login/make the first reply to register.


Yeah to be transparent, this is something we’re doing today and didn’t want to delay the community relaunch until these badges were re-added :) 

  • Brainy
  • 176 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Thanks ​@MaddieJ and welcome back.  

  • Author
  • Community Manager
  • 140 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Welcome back to you too, ​@BillH! Happy relaunch day! 

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Hi ​@MaddieJ ,

Will there be a way for us to edit our old posts? I like to update my older posts with newly-updated information as it becomes available, but it doesn’t seem like I can edit my older posts right now.

Also, is there a way to get markdown formatting to work in the new forums?

Thank you!

  • Brainy
  • 5996 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Thank you for bringing the community back. I look forward to exploring the features it provides. 

My initial impression is that I can at least see more lines of text on my phone than under Khoros. However, I do not see a way to type code on my phone. I suppose I should fill out the form to report that.

Is there a way to see what has already been submitted to the community feedback form? That would make it easier to remember and track what has and has not yet been reported.


I also have a question about search. I currently only see a single search bar for typing in a search. If I go to, I see a search page with a few options, but not as many options as I expect. For example, I would like to search on who posted, time frame of the post, etc. Am I missing something or should this be something to submit to the community feedback form?


Edit to add: A few things I like about the new platform.​​​

  • I can see who has “liked” a post/reply.
  • There is a list of “recent activity” that show how recent the activity is.
  • The text size feels reasonable.
  • I can edit my content.

I’m sure I’ll find more things to like (and more things that I find puzzling) in the days and weeks to come.

  • Brainy
  • 5996 replies
  • March 14, 2025

I know that you asked people to fill out the Airtable form to report community issues, but that feels too much like sending a message out into the void.

Is there a tutorial or something for users to get to know the features of Gainsight? I find that there are several little things that I'd like to figure out. How to get to search, personal messages, quoting just a portion of a post, multi-quoting, formatting code without using a mouse, what the “inspiring” tag by user names means, what the blue bar and numbers under people's icons mean, links in signatures, etc.

How can users tell which posters are Airtable staff, versus regular community members, versus community members who are also moderators of groups, etc.?

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 15, 2025


One of the biggest and most gigantic problems with the new community is that it does not function properly on the iPad — in neither the Safari web browser for iPad nor the Chrome web browser for iPad:

  1. The toolbar in the message composition box does not work at all on the iPad web browsers. For example, you cannot apply any formatting to the text that you are writing, because you can’t tap on the bold/italic/underline buttons; you can’t upload a photo to the message that you are composing because you can’t tap on the image upload button; etc. None of the toolbar options work on the iPad.


  2. None of the dropdown menus throughout the entire community will allow the user to select any of the options from any of the dropdown menus. You can VISUALLY SEE the options in the dropdown menus, but you can’t actually tap on any of the options in any of those dropdown menus. Please see 2 example screenshots below of different dropdown menus in the community. None of the options that you see in these dropdown menus can be selected on the iPad, and this same problem applies to all other dropdown menus in the community as well.


  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 15, 2025


Without the ability to use the toolbar on the iPad, it’s not even possible to add a hyperlink to text. There is basically nothing that can be accomplished on the iPad in the new community.

Also, since the new community doesn’t allow editing of our own posts after a very short amount of time, it prevents us from being able to fix mistakes or a post. It’s even worse in private messages… there is ZERO editing allowed at all of private messages.

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 15, 2025


Okay, I figured out how to workaround the iPad problem, but it is still a technical problem with the community.

The iPad web browsers (both Chrome and Safari) are automatically set as desktop web browsers. This is built into iPadOS as the default behavior for the iPad.

It seems like the community can’t handle a desktop web browser being set on the iPad.

So the workaround is that the user has to manually switch the browser to mobile web browser. This can be saved as a setting within Safari per website, but Chrome does not allow this to be saved per website. Chrome requires the user to manually change the setting upon each website visit.

So that is the manual workaround to make it work properly upon each visit to the community, but it would be great if the community automatically worked natively with the iPad web browsers.

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 15, 2025

Another thing that is missing from this new community is the ability for our drafts to be saved — either manually or automatically. If you’re typing up a long post but not ready to post it yet, it will be completely lost if you leave the community and come back again later.

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 15, 2025


One other question/issue:

When I return to the “Active Since Last Visit” page at this link, it is always showing me the same exact posts… even if none of those posts had new activity since my last visit.

What does the community consider a “visit”? Do I need to log out and log in again to get the community to realize that it is a “new visit”?

Or do I need to wait for a specific amount of time before re-visiting?

Thank you!


  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 16, 2025


It seems like spam controls have not yet been implemented in the community.

I woke up this morning to 10 nearly-identical spam messages in a row that flooded the community.

Can you please implement spam controls?

Thank you!

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 16, 2025

Also, it seems like we are no longer subscribed to any of the old posts that we were once subscribed to.

For example, in this thread, this person thanked me for solving the problem for her, but I was never alerted to her reply.

In many cases, people have more questions in a thread, but if we’re no longer subscribed to those threads, we might never see their additional questions.

Is there a way to resubscribe us to our old threads?

Additionally, as I mentioned above, it is very challenging to not have a “drafts” feature in the community. It requires us to complete our posts in one sitting, instead of beginning now and finishing later.

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 17, 2025

Another issue is that it says in the right margin that I have received many “likes” this week, but I did not receive any notifications of these likes. All the old forums gave us notifications of our likes. Do we not have the ability to be notified of our likes in the new forum?

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 17, 2025

More importantly, ​@MaddieJ, I just spent valuable time typing a multi-paragraph response to the author in this thread.

I gave the user an explanation of the problem they’re having, along with a few different ways of accomplishing what they are trying to do.

The new community software blocked me from posting my response and said that it would need to be reviewed by a moderator.

If the new community software is blocking the #1 most active & most helpful contributor to the community for the last 6 years, then it seems like there is some sort of a problem with the new community software.

Thank you!

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 17, 2025


Here’s a great example of a very old post from many years ago that has outdated information in it, and I would like to update my answers to reflect today’s technology.

However, all old posts are locked off from editing.

The reason that I found this old post — and the reason that this is a much bigger problem than it might seem — is because the new community software shows “Related Topics” in the right margin of every single post, and it always shows the oldest posts first! 

So, what this means is that people who are visiting the community are getting referred to incredibly outdated posts from 4+ years ago. Almost all of these posts have much better & much easier solutions today.

Can you please re-enable the ability for us to edit old posts?

Alternatively, can you please have the “related posts” show newest posts first instead of oldest posts?

Thank you!

  • Author
  • Community Manager
  • 140 replies
  • March 17, 2025

Hey ​@ScottWorld and ​@kuovonne, thanks for being here to check out the new Community experience!


Please keep in mind that it really is important that your feedback come in through this form so I can triage tackle feedback, and organize my responses accordingly. The form has been updated so you can have the option to receive a copy of your responses. Also rest assured that I’m going to share release notes like I’ve done in the past so you can see updates as we go through this process together.


Will everything be perfect? Nothing is perfect 😊 but I’m working hard to make this the best experience possible for everyone. Leveraging the form so I can take full advantage of Airtable to process feedback will really go a long way for me!

Thanks all!

  • Brainy
  • 5996 replies
  • March 18, 2025
MaddieJ wrote:

Hey ​@ScottWorld and ​@kuovonne, thanks for being here to check out the new Community experience!


Please keep in mind that it really is important that your feedback come in through this form so I can triage tackle feedback, and organize my responses accordingly. The form has been updated so you can have the option to receive a copy of your responses. Also rest assured that I’m going to share release notes like I’ve done in the past so you can see updates as we go through this process together.


Will everything be perfect? Nothing is perfect 😊 but I’m working hard to make this the best experience possible for everyone. Leveraging the form so I can take full advantage of Airtable to process feedback will really go a long way for me!

Thanks all!


Your “like I’ve done in the past” link takes me to the form, not to previously shared release notes.

While I can see how having users enter feedback through the form makes it easier for you, it adds a lot of friction for community users. I just wrote about this in the thread about product feedback.

Using the community itself as a way of providing feedback on the community is much easier than entering data in the form. We can intersperse text and screen captures. We can post follow-ups. We can go back and fix typos. We can reply to each other and like each others posts. We can follow the natural course of our thoughts without stopping to categorize if the issue is a bug versus a feature request or something else entirely. We can type related issues as they come to us without having to break our chain of thought to start a new submission. Our names are automatically attached to our posts.

We are not asking for perfection. We are asking you to work with us to find a method of communication that will work for us as well as for you.

If you are having trouble processing the unstructured feedback that you are receiving, what do you think of my suggestion in the product feedback thread to use AI to take our unstructured discussions and turn them into the Airtable format that you want?

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • March 18, 2025

@MaddieJ ​@kuovonne 

Personally, I am finding it very challenging to navigate the new community. There is no easy way for me to distinguish which posts I have previously read vs. posts that are brand new, since it always intermingles the brand new posts with the most recently-active posts.

Would you guys consider switching back to Discourse as your community software? Discourse solved all the problems that I mentioned in my previous posts above, and Discourse also clearly distinguishes between new posts vs. previously-read posts.

Thank you!

  • Known Participant
  • 16 replies
  • March 19, 2025

It seems that Subscriptions are not working, at least after I clicked in “Subscribe” in this Announcements board it still doesn’t show up in my Subscriptions menu.

Edit: just to add that subscribing to a single topic (such as this one) seems to work, but not to the full board.
