Trigger=when a form is submitted; Action=Google Sheets: Append a new row to a spreadsheet.
The automation is working correctly, EXCEPT for the fact that the new row is appended at the TOP of the spreadsheet (i.e., row 1, above the header row) instead of at the bottom of the spreadsheet (i.e., under existing rows of data). Is there a way to specify that new rows should be appended at the bottom, below existing rows?
Thanks! Heidi
Best answer by ScottWorld
Hmm, that's odd... it should always append to the bottom, not the top. There might be something odd about your spreadsheet that is confusing Airtable.
Try it on a brand new (empty) spreadsheet and see what happens. You might need to report this issue to, so they can take a look at your spreadsheet, since it sounds like there is something about your spreadsheet that might be confusing Airtable.
Hmm, that's odd... it should always append to the bottom, not the top. There might be something odd about your spreadsheet that is confusing Airtable.
Try it on a brand new (empty) spreadsheet and see what happens. You might need to report this issue to, so they can take a look at your spreadsheet, since it sounds like there is something about your spreadsheet that might be confusing Airtable.
Hmm, that's odd... it should always append to the bottom, not the top. There might be something odd about your spreadsheet that is confusing Airtable.
Try it on a brand new (empty) spreadsheet and see what happens. You might need to report this issue to, so they can take a look at your spreadsheet, since it sounds like there is something about your spreadsheet that might be confusing Airtable.
Thanks for replying! It was helpful to know that it should be appending at the bottom. I did some tests and I think the issue was caused by the fact that a couple of columns in the target spreadsheet were hidden. Not sure why that caused the appending to happen at the top rather than the bottom, but it appears to be working as intended now.