Hello everyone,
I need a little help about how to preview an email before send it.
I explain myself, I need people who uses my interface to be able to preview their email before send it.
What I have now is when an entry is create by an automation I have a script who send it (Outlook) but don't allow to preview the mail.
I came up with an idea is to create a formula with "mailto" who allows to have an interaction with outlook with that I create a bouton and when people click on the bouton is create a preview of their mail directly on outlook with the information they put in a formulaire when the creation of an entry.
But I have two problems :
- "Mailto to" not allow html so I create a macro in Outlook to put my text into html format
- Limitation of numbers of characters by 2000 so i can only use Firefox for browser
So I don't have any idea to find something more optimized because I have an html format kinda complexe for the content of my mail and I need to allow preview a mail.
Thank you for your help,