Base Design
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Base Design Activity

Airtable Cordoba Argentina

Hola a todos! Estoy buscando contactarme con gente que tenga buenos conocimientos de airtable. Estoy trabajando en una base y mis skills no son suficientes. seria genial poder juntarme interactuar con gente de Córdoba para sacar el proyecto adelante....

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Resolved! Dynamically filter a form field based on another field's value

I am using the new form builder and want to filter the values of a dropdown field, Product, based on the value of another field, Designer, on the same form.Although I found the "filter records by a condition" option, I cannot see a way to use the Des...

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Sequence numbers grouped by linked field

I am trying to build a more comprehensive product-tree type base where I can accurately keep track of Projects, Assemblies, Parts, attachments, and revisions. I want to have a parent-child relationship in that same order as well, but I don't strictly...

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Gannt Chart Slack Adjustments

Hi All! For the Gantt Chart view, does anyone know if there's a way to have airtable automatically adjust all dependent task start dates when the predecessor task is moved up (backward in time)?  I see that airtable automatically pushes out all depen...

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2-Way Syncing Linked Records to Same Table

Say I have a base with a table that has a parent/child relationship with itself.  Projects with parent/child projects, Tasks with subtasks, Contacts with links to a fiance or manager – there's a lot of use-cases for linking a record to another record...

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Find sum based on 2 groupings

I want to find the sum based on my first metric Companies and within that a metric KPI such that i find the sum of all values of a single KPI within a company. For example, I want the sum of travel hours for a single company and also the sum of fuel ...

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