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Formulas Activity

Automation to notify status changes based on previous status

I want to know when an approved campaign goes back in to revisions so that I can review it again. I have multiple other reasons to want to know when a campaign status changes and what the previous status was; e.g., trigger subtasks for team members, ...

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Autofill a "link to" field

Hi all, apologies if this question has been asked and answered already. [EDIT: attached a screenshot since the embedding images don't seem to work.]I am creating a table of contacts for relationship management. For each person, I have the fields "Int...

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 5.26.23 PM.png
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Formula to find date of specific day prior to designated date.

I am trying to figure out the formula to populate the date of a specific day in relation to a designated date.Below are some examples of what I mean.I have a date field titled EVENT DATE. I want the column titled PAYMENT DUE to populate the date of f...

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Using Airtable to settle utilities with tenants

Hi Guys, I'd like to use Airtable to build a utility settlement tool with the tenants. My tenants pay an advance for utility every 6 months; after 6 months (this period might differ), I record the meter reading and fixed and variable utility prices (...

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Duration TEXT to correct formating

can you please help me convert this to the proper duration format? OR maybe into Seconds.I have the formula below:VALUE(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE({Fulfillment Time}, ' minutes and ', ':'), FIND(' seconds', SUBSTITUTE({Fulfillment Time}, ' minutes and ', ':')) ...

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Count occurence of each unique in a Rollup

Hi,Let's say I have a People table with Name A, Name B, Name C.Another Table "Sports", which links Name A with Football, Name A with Football (again), Name A with Basketball, Name B with Basketball, Name B with Basketball, etc.In the People table I w...

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Number of changes

HiIs it possible to count the number of changes or modifications that have been made to a specific record?Rgds

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Resolved! Using Mapped Values in a Formula Field

I have a “Campaign Name” table that contains a “Product” field (which uses abbreviations).The “Campaign Name” table has a formula field which uses the “Product” values (along with other fields) to generate a campaign name.Our request form (on the “Ca...

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