What is the proposed idea/solution? When using the "Group by" feature, Treat the group heading as a frozen row so that it follows the user down the page until the next 'group' heading takes over, or at least make this an option for users who would find it convenient. If there are subgroups How does is solve the user problems? It doesn't make the user try to recall what the 'group' category is if they are having to scan several records that fall within a single group. I love Airtable, but this is a nightmare for a person with ADHD. I sometimes have to scan back up the page multiple times to see what 'group' records fall under. ... How was this validated? ... Who is the target audience? I think many folks would find this useful, but as a neurodivergent Airtable user who has loved being able to create systems with Airtable that *mostly* work for my brain, this one is a working memory nightmare.
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