I use a JIRA Cloud and successfully synced it to AirTable, it is working fine (#1), but...
In JIRA I have 342 columns and only 85 columns was imported to Airtable using the “All fields in the source” option (#2).
Using the “Specific fields in the source” option, I have only 77 fields to select (#3).
It is not necessary to have all 342 columns in Airtable, but I need some of the missing ones.
I'd like to select some of these missing fields or, at last, to have all 342 columns to manage in AirTable
Is there a way to import all fields or to select (from the all available in JIRA) the ones I want?
Getting started with Airtable sync | Airtable Support
Airtable Sync Integration Jira Cloud | Airtable Support
I read these two posts and did not found any restriction in the quantity of the columns.
I am assuming that I would see the 342 columns in AirTable. Am I wrong.
If not, is this an error?
PS: I also made this question in this other post: https://community.airtable.com/t5/other-questions/missing-columns-when-syncing-jira-to-airtable/td-p/188213
I will also register a support ticket.
Thank you in advance.