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Formula to extract Image URL from multiple Attachments Field

I have multiple images in an attachment field. In another field, I would like to extract just the URL separated bei , oder another character to export it in a CSV-File. Is there an example of a formula to solve this? Thanks very much for support. Regards, Dan

10 replies

Did you find a solution?

  • Inspiring
  • 368 replies
  • August 10, 2020
Get_Squaremuse wrote:

Did you find a solution?

We built an extension that extracts attachments’ URLs, including multiple ones.

  • Participating Frequently
  • 14 replies
  • August 14, 2020
Get_Squaremuse wrote:

Did you find a solution?

I’ve created a free script to achieve this. It generates the airtable formula. You can get the name or url and then play with offsets to adjust the data to output.

  • Participating Frequently
  • 9 replies
  • November 4, 2020
Miquel_Capo_Cas wrote:

I’ve created a free script to achieve this. It generates the airtable formula. You can get the name or url and then play with offsets to adjust the data to output.

Thank you so much for this, Miquel. Very helpful.

  • Participating Frequently
  • 14 replies
  • November 23, 2020

Here another script to generate the formula. This one finds strings between strings. So you can specify the strings between you want to catch the url and then adjust the offsets.

this solves the problem of the urls with parenthesis inside the name.

This links has url params with the config you need:

  • Participating Frequently
  • 7 replies
  • February 23, 2021
Miquel_Capo_Cas wrote:

I’ve created a free script to achieve this. It generates the airtable formula. You can get the name or url and then play with offsets to adjust the data to output.

@Miquel_Capo_Casasnov I don’t have anything else to say but… I love you.

Okay, I found something. Most of the photos are .jpg, but some are .png. Is there a way to do more than one file type in the “end string”?

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  • 14 replies
  • February 26, 2021
SteelsmithHaus wrote:

@Miquel_Capo_Casasnov I don’t have anything else to say but… I love you.

Okay, I found something. Most of the photos are .jpg, but some are .png. Is there a way to do more than one file type in the “end string”?

Yes, just use “(https” and “)” (and maybe one space like ") ") and adjust the offsets.

And make sure the url has no parenthesis in between

  • Participating Frequently
  • 5 replies
  • January 26, 2022
Miquel_Capo_Cas wrote:

I’ve created a free script to achieve this. It generates the airtable formula. You can get the name or url and then play with offsets to adjust the data to output.

Pretty amazing code, thank you!


We have an Extract URLs from Attachment function in our On2Air Actions app.

And with the Actions app, you get an additional 60+ features that integrate with Airtable.

Features like creating Google Docs documents automatically with Airtable data, bulk creating, editing, or deleting multiple records, setting default field values, copying fields, performing financial calculations, syncing Google Sheets, and more.

60+ On2Air Action Features

  • Inspiring
  • 50 replies
  • May 8, 2022
Miquel_Capo_Cas wrote:

I’ve created a free script to achieve this. It generates the airtable formula. You can get the name or url and then play with offsets to adjust the data to output.

Thanks Miquel, this is very helpful. :pray:
