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HOW TO: HIDE (or at least move) "Uncategorized" column in a Kanban view embedded on a website?


HOW can we HIDE or MOVE the "Uncategorized” column on a Kanban view embedded on a website?

Use Case:

I’m a Film & TV Producer with an option on a novel.

If you look at: Hardcastle - Heather Hale Productions you’ll see we have embedded a public-facing “Casting Strategies” character short lists that links to an Airtable Kanban.

UNfortunately “UNcategorized" is the most prominent LEFT column. ;-/

Even though it is collapsed on the Airtable base - that doesn't translate to the WordPress website.

I would much prefer if we could hide or filter it out so that if/when that "UNcategorized" column is empty, its empty column won’t show at all (much less be so prominent (first thing most eyes fall upon: top left-hand corner).

Worst case scenario, if we could at least move it all the way to the far right, it’d be less prominent, less distracting and a little more forgivable (design/use wise).

Any ideas?




Already Checked:

STILL haven’t found an answer.

10 replies

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • September 29, 2022

I agree that it’s a problem. You can email Airtable at to request that they change this behavior, but there is no way to solve this problem with Airtable on its own.

However, there are many external portal tools that will solve that problem for you, such as Noloco. Noloco is a powerful portal for Airtable.

I give a brief tutorial of Noloco on this episode of the BuiltOnAir podcast

And I presented a full one-hour webinar on Noloco called Building a Client Portal on Noloco powered by Airtable.

p.s. If you have a budget for your project and you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with any of this, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consulting — ScottWorld

  • Author
  • Inspiring
  • 51 replies
  • September 29, 2022

Thanks Scott! I’m at my bandwidth with apps and daisy-chained solutions! LOL! I’m already engaging WordPress to link to Airtable. I guess we’ll just have to deal. But thank you!

  • Author
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  • 51 replies
  • October 16, 2023

I'm STILL looking for a solution to this - a year later - if anyone has any ideas?

If I could at least move the uncategorized stack all the way to the far right, it'd be less prominent than the first thing most (at least Westerners) look at in the top left corner. 

Even if I collapse the uncategorized stack, it doesn't maintain that preference across to the WordPress website.

I tried selecting everything in my filter but "uncategorized" remains by virtue of the structure of the relational database.




  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • December 17, 2023

I think I just figured out how to filter out Kanban stacks that have no items inside of them using a linked table, but I don't think there is a way to hide that "empty" or "uncategorized" stack at all. I think it has to do with the functionality of the Kanban allowing you to move items from one place to another, so that it is always giving you an option to have an empty cell. It's bad, though, I agree, for any external facing functionality.

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  • December 24, 2023
Harlen_Bayha wrote:

I think I just figured out how to filter out Kanban stacks that have no items inside of them using a linked table, but I don't think there is a way to hide that "empty" or "uncategorized" stack at all. I think it has to do with the functionality of the Kanban allowing you to move items from one place to another, so that it is always giving you an option to have an empty cell. It's bad, though, I agree, for any external facing functionality.

Thanks, @Harlen_Bayha.

What you've done/are suggesting is pretty much what we've done but as you also mentioned: it doesn't actually solve the problem ;-/ as the empty uncategorized column is still sitting there - in the most prominent position on our website! 😉


  • Known Participant
  • 14 replies
  • July 11, 2024

I would love to see this as an option at some point in the future. All items we have will always have a category, they will never be uncategorized. 

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  • July 11, 2024
jordanoverton wrote:

I would love to see this as an option at some point in the future. All items we have will always have a category, they will never be uncategorized. 

Agreed, @jordanoverton!

Same here.

"Uncategorized" is ALWAYS EMPTY BUT the MOST PROMINENT?! ;-/

  • Known Participant
  • 14 replies
  • July 12, 2024

So I think I have a solution, at least for interfaces! I noticed today while doing more digging that you can select an option to "hide empty stacks" (See screenshot)

Since my uncategorized does not have any records, it made it go away!! 

  • Author
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  • July 12, 2024

Bless you, @jordanoverton !!! 😉 

Now I gotta figure out how to get interfaces to do what I want! 😉 LOL!

But at least it's another strategy to try! 😉 

I can show my nicely organized KanBan (stacked by character) - withOUT pictures! ;-/

Defeats the whole purpose! 


I can get the gallery to show all the actors headshots - but not organized (other than A-Z - which will mean absolutely nothing to anyone! ;-/ No one'll know which character goes to which role - so the relevance is... non-existent!


  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • October 7, 2024

I agree. This is an odd option not to have after all this time. In a Kanban view, I should be able to hide/show any column I desire. Please add this feature oh wise and benevolent Airtable engineers.
