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Lunch Order template

Hi Airtable community, 


I'm new to airtable and your classic overthinker and I'm having a difficult time designing a simple Lunch Order Base. I read lots of articles and asked AI chat bots and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. 

I have to collect lunch orders for a list of attendees over a 3 day conference. 

Data I have:

1. List of attendees names, allergy concerns and their emails addresses. 

2. I know which days they are coming (some are coming for the full 3 days while others are opting for partial attendance). 

3. We will be ordering from 2 - 3 different restaurants. Would be nice to put a restaurant menu link in for attendees to review their choices ( but I have not found a workaround (I understand) to add a link to a form view. 

4. We have a price cap per/person per day. 

Base design  dream of (but can't quit nail the workflow down) 

1. Send a form with a menu link for the days we pick for that restaurant for attendees to review and pick an item.  (I tried automation but could not figure out how to update the existing record for particular attendee). 

2. Have the attendees pick an item for each day they are there and it update the record that currently has their data in it ( name, allergy, email). 


What I have so far: 

1. An attendee table with name and contact info, email, allergies and day attending

2. Lunch Order table with separate grid views and forms for each day of conference. 

I tried to set up an automation and COULD add a link for the order form and the restaurant menu but I didn't know how t account for people attending all of the days or partial attendance. 

Any help or existing template that touches upon any of this would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you in advance. 




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