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Forum Posts

Resolved! Dynamically Pull Data From Two Rows?

Hi all, I'd appreciate a bit of help.I am trying to make a two product comparison page. I have all product specifications in one table like this: And I want to pull the specs data on this other "compare pages" table depending on which two products ar...

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Vutropush by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Resolved! Automation failing because "Could not convert string to date."

I have a task table with start date, due date, and completion date.  Each task is marked open, attempted, or done via a single select.  Working to create an automation that creates a copy of a task marked as "Attempted."  here's the flow of my automa...

Resolved! Copy a value to another attachment column from a roll up value.

the roll-up value consists of the image filename[image. jpg] and lmagelink[domain. com/image.jpg] now I want to create copy value that has an attachment-type column.@ScottWorld and @kuovonne I'm a fan of you guys! or maybe someone knows the answer. T...

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hanstudios by 4 - Data Explorer
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Sum of status

Hi! Does anyone know if there is a way to do a sum of each status?For instance I have 5 statusStatus 1 - 14Status 2 - 29I am trying to get a view or a script to be able to automate an email that shows how many items are in each status. thank you!!!

aday by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Assigning Client based on Last Name

Does anyone know how to simply program an automation that would allow for clients to be assigned to employees based on first letter of last name.So if clients with last names starting with:A - G --> Employee 1H - M --> Employee 2N - S -->  Employee 3...

Drew_Nemer by 8 - Airtable Astronomer
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Resolved! Conditional Automation Button Based on time it was Last Clicked

Hello,I have an automation based on a button click that creates a number of records in a separate base based on what is selected in a multi select field. The automation itself works well, but I am having an issue with people accidently clicking the b...

Jordan_M by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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