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Airtable relation & product

Hello!Situation:I have a table named « Leads » in which is all the information of my prospects (first name, last name, email, phone Numbers).These prospects, via a Tally sent by email, inform their needs with regard to 9 products (always the same). S...

Remove date/time from field

I just started using Airtable and I'm trying to remove the date/time from a column or create a new column that has the date/time removed with just the remaining text. The column is linked to another airtable and it is using the primary field, so I do...

JJJ by 4 - Data Explorer
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Ingredient stock rollup

Hello,We are a vitamin supplement company and we buy ingredients from all over the world. We have 178 different ingredients which are used to create 17 products.  Sometime the same ingredients will be used for five different products.We want to creat...

MoniK by 4 - Data Explorer
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Future Inventory & Ship Out Dates

Hello! We operate in an industry dealing with perishable goods, where the timing of receiving products (INBOUND) and the customer's requested shipping date (OUTBOUND) are crucial factors. We are trying to create a base structure/formula so we can kee...

4pine by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Formulas > Números Consecutivos > A partir de un número en Especifico

Muy buenas tardes,Estoy montando mi propio gestor de proyectos, estos proyectos quiero numerarlos con números consecutivos, pero que el primer número sea un número en especifico.Por ejemplo:N. de Pedido: P003245 (Esté sería el primer campo de la tabl...

JuanArLo by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Conditional Formulas for VAT

Hi, I'm new to airtable and am trying to get a simple conditional VAT formula to work. I feel like I am circling the solution but I'm not quite there. Essentially I am trying to track various hires and purchases for work, some of which have VAT and s...

cevison2 by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Formula help

Small charity here thank you for reading!  I am trying to make a sign up sheet for volunteers to sign up to wrap Christmas presents for children - that bits sorted.  But I need to sort parking for them. On the main base theres a linked column that pu...

Copy and Paste multiple records from a table to just one cell

Hey there! I have a "Customers" table and a "Projects" table and what I'm trying to achieve is to link them. I wan't to know which customer were in each one of my projects, so a costumer may be in more than one project aswell a project will have more...

Resolved! Automatically adding URL to Attachment Field

Hi everyone,I was wondering if we would be able to automatically add an URL as an "URL-Attachment". This way I would be able to fetch a QR Code image and have it in my table.I could not find anything online. Unfortunately I can't install extensions t...

Eren1 by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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