Submitted on
Jan 30, 2018
10:50 AM
Submitted by
Jan 30, 2018
10:50 AM
(This request is based on the assumption that Airtable triggers and actions for Zapier and IFTTT are developed by or in conjunction with Airtable staff. If that’s not the case, please disregard.)
I realize this request probably prioritizes in the upper triple/low quadruple digits, but if there’s a slack moment sometime in 2025, it would be nice to have an action that allowed a field’s default value to be modified.
The trigger [ahem] for this request was a 10-month-old post regarding currency exchange rates that recently bubbled up, but the method could apply to stock or commodity prices, daily high/low/average temperatures, manager on call — essentially any variable used in a transaction where it is essential to retain the value of the variable at the time of the transaction.
I’ve used a text or numeric field with a default value with much success as a way to track a variable that changes infrequently but is expected to vary over the life of a base — a pricing schedule, for instance, or the default unit of measure to use if one is not explicitly specified. I define the field (typically hidden) in my [Transaction] table so the then-current default value is stored with each transaction. That way, I know I sold a gross of wax lips under schedule 18A, at $5 per gross, rather than $7.50 a gross under schedule 18B; in six months, when the customer sends them back with a note saying, “I ordered wax fangs,” this becomes an important distinction.
Currently, this technique suffices for variables that change often enough for one to remember there is a procedure to follow yet infrequently enough the change is unlikely to get lost in the shuffle.[1] It seems to me if default values could be changed by middleware, based on a trigger, it would open a range of possible new uses for Airtable.
(I realize essentially the same functionality could be provided by having Zapier or IFTTT directly update the field in each new transaction; however, I prefer the middleware middle ground of updating the default value. Doing so avoids the possibility of new transactions waiting incomplete until the next scheduled query by the middleware; it also provides for a manual workaround at periods when the service is unavailable. It also seems excessive to have middleware modify every transaction in cases where the variable in question is only updated daily — for instance, the closing price of a stock, currency, or commodity.)
. __________
I should also mention it currently only works if new transactions are created directly from the [Transaction] table; if I drill through from another table via a linked record, Airtable ignores any default values configured in [Transaction] . I’m hoping this will be corrected in an upcoming release.
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Submitted on
Jan 29, 2018
05:34 AM
Submitted by
Jan 29, 2018
05:34 AM
with Airtable you did a grait job! I really enjoy to use it.
I would likt to see a cake chart view of a (filtert) fild. May you know also a implementation of bar charts.
It would help to analyse the date. I manage my finance with airtabe.
Thank you for you work!
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Submitted on
Jan 28, 2018
08:58 AM
Submitted by
Jan 28, 2018
08:58 AM
I have a base where I have all my patients. now I have a nested IF formula where I tagged them according to age group.
in the chart the age groups are arranged “alphabetically” for example, 1-4 years old, next to 10-14 years old, and I cant change that. and 65+ years old starts the chart, and its unmovable…
a real chart would let you re-arrange your data according to your needs. for example I want to arrange them from younger to older.
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Submitted on
Jan 25, 2018
09:31 PM
Submitted by
Jan 25, 2018
09:31 PM
Specific Ones :
4. Checkbox = checkbox lists ? I know AT only wants single-lined rows but still could be possible…
8. Date = it could be possible to specify if we only want the date or only the hours of the day? also if I concatenate currently Date in a formula it reads the hour even when I dont use it, it gets like "day month year, 00:00:00 " those zero numbers … it seems even like a bug.
General Ones :
to auto-adjust cell size
to color each marked cell, not only a color tag in a left side of the row, but the actual cell we want to mark
Charts :
to be able of dismiss some results we dont need, for example, I want an age table of all the clients I received, except the foraneous ones ( X-axis ages column, Y-axis clients column, except: residency column =foraneous)
to be able of bucket values, like the option we have in date field. we could then group them manually, for example I have 300 products, but I want to see the difference of sales between my best products (10 products) and the rest (290 products) so we can see a comparison.
this way I can make a visible chart, because currently any option with more than 10 or 20 different bars it starts to get wildly complicated and frustrating.
Ive made charts with like, 50 or 70 bars and its unworkable.
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Submitted on
Jan 16, 2018
03:10 PM
Submitted by
Jan 16, 2018
03:10 PM
I am a bit mystified as to why the share option for files in an attachment field does not yet contain support for the use of the iCloud files folder, a native service of the OS. If I want to download a file from Airtable to my iPad (other than to Dropbox I think…), I have to take the option to open it in Safari and then I can use the share services of Safari to add to my iCloud folder. Not at all intuitive and imho, clumsy. Very happy to be set straight as have no mortgage on Airtable insight! :blush:
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Submitted on
Jan 15, 2018
08:06 PM
Submitted by
Jan 15, 2018
08:06 PM
I would like the Airtable Android app to log my texts and calls.And my emails for that matter.
I want to use this to auto-fill records in my Airtable powered crm
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Submitted on
Jan 11, 2018
05:15 PM
Submitted by
Jan 11, 2018
05:15 PM
I’d like the ability to mass upload attachments from a folder, but the important thing is that I need to link each attachment to a separate record.
Use Case Scenario:
I perform quality assurance on web forms and track defects using screenshots. I have to drag and drop each screenshot of a defect to a new record. Instead, I’d like to select all the screenshots at once and import them into individual records.
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Submitted on
Jan 09, 2018
07:48 PM
Submitted by
Jan 09, 2018
07:48 PM
I love the Page Layout block, but would like the option to edit my data right in that view. Is that possible? Or an already-established feature request?
Sorry if this is posted somewhere else.
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Submitted on
Jan 05, 2018
08:56 AM
Submitted by
Jan 05, 2018
08:56 AM
I searched but did not find anything mentioning this particularly (if I missed it, apologies!).
I love the ability to open a linked record from a different table, but finding the one you want when there are many choices is an annoyance.
Example: a basic address book Table of companies with a companion Table of contacts. Each contact name field has been linked to a ‘contacts’ field in a specific company record. When the company table is viewed, the contacts listed in that field show in the order in which they were linked to each company record. Adding & linking a contact for new Joe Salesdude, bumps the person you talk to the most, Alice Viceprez, from the top of the list.
Currently the only way (I have found) to control which contact record is foremost for any given company record with multiple contacts is to: open the contact desired to show first; unlink it; re-link it
I realize this is likely due to the same issue holding up the requests for persistent sorting I saw mentioned while looking for an existing request on this, but wanted to add it to the pot.
Thank you!
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Submitted on
Jan 05, 2018
07:35 AM
Submitted by
Jan 05, 2018
07:35 AM
I have a table that was created by importing a spreadsheet, Can I update this table by importing an updated version of the spreadsheet that I used to create the table initially. I get information from an MRP system that can out put to Excel. I use Airtable as a way to easily manage this data for myself and others. I have sent shared links to others so they can access this data as well. If simply created another table from the imported data the links I sent to the others would no longer work. Therefore, it would be better to update the original data. Or would I need to erase all the data, import the new spreadsheet in another table, the copy and paste all the data back to the original table.
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