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Resolved! DATETIME_FORMAT returning wrong day of week

I have {Date} in one column and am trying to list the corresponding day of the week in another column using the following formula: DATETIME_FORMAT({Date}, “dddd”) For most of my records, the correct day of the week is returned. However, I have at lea...

Paul_Miller by 6 - Interface Innovator
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Edit an entry from different Timezone

Hi, Pros, I want to ask, I noticed a confusion for quite a while when it comes to traveling. For instance, if I had filled a time entry when I was in LA, let’s say 11:00 AM (Los Angeles Times). After arriving in Zurich, this entry will be automatical...

Xing by 6 - Interface Innovator
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Time Zone questions - managing events around the world

Hello all! We are creating a table with a list of events that are occurring around the world. We import lists from partners with the event dates and times listed in the event location’s local time. For example: Dinner 7:00 PM December 1, 2019 Locatio...

spark1001 by 4 - Data Explorer
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Incorporating SET_TIMEZONE into a formula

Hi everyone, I am brand new at spread sheets and formulas and just trying to create a simple database to make my daily workflow more efficient. At the moment I am struggling with the time zone nuances in airtable. I think I have worked out the formul...

Creating an End Date by adding duration to a Start Date

I’ve tried this multiple ways by either having hours be a number field and having the formula be DATEADD({Start date}, Hours, ‘hours’) or as it is now with a duration field and saying DATEADD({Start date}, Hours, ‘seconds’) And the hours are always...

Parker_Web by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Return Date based on another field

So, I have a date column in a table 2019-08-16_1252 Shared from What I want to do is in another table, if the Tank column reads SPS or Nano, return the earliest dat...

wrasse by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Assign week number per month

I found this formula here that has been working OK but I need to adjust it slightly and I’m not sure how. VALUE(DATETIME_FORMAT({Show Date},‘w’))- VALUE(DATETIME_FORMAT(DATETIME_PARSE(‘01’&DATETIME_FORMAT({Show Date},‘MM’)&YEAR({Show Date}),‘DDMMYYYY...

Tim_Young by 6 - Interface Innovator
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Show Tomorrow Date

Why is this showing me tomorrow’s date? Screenshot IF({How Many Days}>6,{Bill Date},IF(AND(Upload=1,{tracking-number}=BLANK()),TODAY(), {Last Update Tracking}))