Welcome to the Airtable Community Product Ideas Board! Help us shape the future of the Airtable platform by sharing your ideas or kudoing suggested features from other Airtable enthusiasts like yourself.
Just to ensure I'm using the jargon correctly, I believe an 'Interface' is a groups of 'Pages' -- with that out of the way, I wonder if it would be relatively 'low hanging fruit' to offer the ability to move a Page to another Interface within the same Base? Why would you want to do this? The Enterprise plan has granular permissions that control which Interfaces can be accessed by which users/groups. A Page in an interface might be useful to multiple groups, but that doesn't mean I want multiple groups to have access to the entire Interface. This results in having to re-create Pages in different Interfaces that have the appropriate permission settings. A function to move a Page to a different Interface (within the same Base of course) would be a significant 'quality of life' improvement and time-saver in this situation. It could live in the page's '...' menu (see screenshot)
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What is the proposed idea/solution? Allow users to edit certain fields directly from the Kanban card without needing to open the card. Currently the only field that can be edited is the single select field that groups the cards (a user can drag and drop the card and edit that field). All other fields need to be edited by opening the record. This request is both for Views and Interfaces. How does is solve the user problems? For "Trello" minded users this is a must because they are used to making quick changes on a card without needing to leave the kanvan view. How was this validated? ... Who is the target audience? Kanvan / Trello minded users
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What is the proposed idea/solution? As it's possible to pre-fill a View Form field - it would be useful if field permissions could be set to prevent the user from editing specified (pre-filled) fields - the idea being that the field is read-only and is simply relaying information to the user who's filling out the form. Currently, if the field permissions within the table are set to "Nobody" can edit - a user viewing and filling out a form can still edit that field. How does this solve the user problems? It allows pre-filled forms to be sent and filled out by users, but only desirable fields are editable, whilst others fields are restricted from editing and will display pre-filled data that can't be edited - but can be viewed during the form process. Who is the target audience? Anyone who is using an Airtable automation to send a Form Link, with pre-filled URL switches, where some fields should really be non-editable and view only.
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My team and I would love to work asynchronously on one airtable but when we leave each other comments on records the number stays there forever so we have no way of keeping track of what still needs to be discussed (you can erase your comments but not others and that way you erased the convo!). I’d like a way to get rid of the number shown on the record please.
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I’m using Airtable now for almost everything and I love grouping feature. But when I group by date it groups by every single day but possibility to group by month would be better because there would be only 12 groups instead of 1 to 365.
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For most content, I like to have all the text visible, but I don’t want the column to be any wider than it needs to be.
Excel lets users auto-size columns (and rows) so that they’re just wide (or tall) enough to fit all their content.
The Excel shortcut for this useful feature is to double-click the right edge of the column header.
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Please implement import/export formats beyond CSV. Being able to migrate to/from tools like FileMaker and Access is critical. Hell, even XLS export would be an improvement. CSV is of course clean, but it’s OLD, and removes 100% of database functionality upon export. Thus, it is not a valid backup format. We require offline file-based backups. Thank you!
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I’m loving the new Interface Designer! I’m seeing a lot of overlap between that and the older Page Designer, but there are some features I’d love to see ported over. Specifically, I love how Page Designer has the ability to create a text box with {Fields} that you can {Put In Brackets} to fill in the blanks. I see that Interface has the ability to add a text box, but no way to for the content to be dynamic. I also love the ability in Page Designer to add an attached image and change how it’s cropped or resized to fit a certain dimension. It looks like Interface crops images without an option to scale to fit. Can’t wait to see what’s next for Interface Designer! I didn’t even know how much I would want this until I saw it. I know my team is going to find it really useful!
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Please add inches/centimeters, rulers, margins/guides, resolution, etc.
The Page Designer block is great, truly; but not at all optimal for actual page layout designers.
Also, DYMO and Avery label output, pretty-please.
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Hi, I have been working on creating a Marketing Calendar with Month, and a generic type as the columns and rows respectively using the ‘Matrix Block’ for my current project. However, I would also like to be able to print the block, but currently there is no option to print. I’ve worked around this by printing the webpage as a PDF and resizing to fit within a page, but a more natural way of doing this would be helpful. Thank you.
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