Base Design
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Logical Separation of Customer Data

I am trying to build a B2B application and I want to keep the logical separation of data between the two customers. Let's say I want to give the ability to my user from Business X customer to choose an employee name from drop down that should be rela...

rohith by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Airtable Forms for Finance/Accounting

Hello,I'm reaching out for ideas for doing an Accounting Forms (like a Check Request form) through Airtable. I love using forms to reduce data entry, however, I haven't been able to find a form that I can use to complete something as "complex"  as a ...

M_L by 7 - App Architect
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Sharing a base in read only but with view editor

Hello,I would like to share a base with collaborators in read only or comment only, but I would like them to be able to edite view, specially the filtering field to be able to search throu records more efficiently.So far i'm only able to share in edi...

reco by 4 - Data Explorer
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Form view creation permission

Is there no way to turn off the permissions to create forms for users?I do not see a way to turn this permission off for users, it appears anyone able to create any other view is able to create a form. It would be nice to be able to turn of the speci...

Enjay by 4 - Data Explorer
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Line Items

Can anyone recommend a way to close or lock a record with linked Line Items when needed? We have a table to create Purchase Orders and within the record, Line Items can be created.  These Line Items contain the actual purchase details such as qty/hou...

Rita_Spanu by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Multiple Bases and Multi-Syncs

Hello, Our Marketing team uses Airtable to manage tasks and campaigns across functions. These bases sync to a single base that marketers can use to view all their tasks across different bases. My question is: can we manage and process these tasks fro...

elisess by 4 - Data Explorer
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Structural organizational tips for an employee database

I want to build out an employee database. What I'm starting to run into is having 5000 fields in a single table, based off of employee name. There's a lot of data that doesn't need to be together, so while I can create 20+ different views, it seems l...

TamirN by 4 - Data Explorer
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Would I move the "Edit field" window down?

The table column I work with is usually in the monitor screen's center. If I need to edit a description or a formula, I press the arrow on the right side of the field name and then press the "Edit field". The edit window appears in the center and to ...

Kostya_S by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Builder rights

Hello everyone,I was wondering if there is a way to avoid people adding users as builders. I often have to monitor and check my users in order to make sure none has been added as a builder because it is risky to let anyone build and modify bases and ...

NathanL by 4 - Data Explorer
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