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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Mar 28, 2024
10:43 AM
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‎Mar 28, 2024
10:43 AM
What is the proposed idea/solution? User would like to limit the items show to unique values only. I.e. when a lookup field references a multi-select/single-select field from a linked record. Suppose there is 20 linked records, each of which has a multiselect cell filled in with 3 available options, Name 1, Name 2, Name 3. Supposed in the list of 20 linked records, there are 7 with the name 1 option selected, 9 with the name 2, and 4 with name 3. In the lookup field, I will see all iterations listed out, ("name 1", "name 1", "name 1", etc.... "name 3." totaling a string of 20 names. Ideally the user would like to just see "name 1" once, "name 2" once, and "name 3" once, since all of the other iterations are just duplicates. If the items are not unique, they are not duplicated in the string. The best way to do this would be to add an additional toggle switch for "Limit the items shown to unique values." How does is solve the user problems? Consolidates data, making it both more printable, easier to read, and removes the need to have an additional formula field to accomplish the same effect. How was this validated? Not sure if this question is applicable. Who is the target audience? Any user primarily working in project management, task delegation, and anyone who like to run automated reports.
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Mar 28, 2024
05:44 AM
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‎Mar 28, 2024
05:44 AM
What is the proposed idea/solution? It would be very useful to be able to select multiple records in timeline view. This would allow you to move multiple bookings at once, in the case of needing to adjust all bookings in a week/two week period by one day. A common scheduling requirement. How does is solve the user problems? Because otherwise you have to move bookings one day at a time, which is very time consuming. How was this validated? ... Who is the target audience? Anyone handling complicated bookings or task management.
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Jun 19, 2023
04:09 PM
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‎Jun 19, 2023
04:09 PM
What is the proposed idea/solution? Within a Calendar Week View - Similarly to how we can collapse a weekend to only show weekdays, I'd like the ability to collapse hours outside of designated working hours. This requirements differs for each user, some who work 24/hr shifts need access to all hours, but those of us who don't most likely just need to see a configurable 1/3 of the day. How does is solve the user problems? Screenshot below shows how user Calendar engagement is constantly interrupted by vertical scrolling to access the weeks data. Who is the target audience? Anyone who uses a Calendar View or Calendar interface to juggle their working week.
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Mar 26, 2024
11:04 PM
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‎Mar 26, 2024
11:04 PM
What is the proposed idea/solution? I propose to add a way to organize tables by groups as MS Access does. Currently tables in a base are organized by tabs in a row on the top. I understand that this would be against the Excel-like feeling, where the workbook is organized in sheets, which are actually tabs. But I think MS Access way to organize the tables in groups is much better. This feature would get bases much more organized. For example I would create the following organization for my tables: 1) Entities groups. In each of these groups, I would put just the entities which I am dealing with to model my universe (for example, Student, Tuition for a school or Order, item for a procurement etc.) 2) Lookup Tables. All lookups that cannot be implemented with a single field dropdown list. For example a ROLE table which requires a field like Title, but also a description and maybe other fields like Hourly Rate etc. 3) Many-to-Many associations Tables. For all associations that need to be materialized, because you need to record information for each association. For example, when you assign a parking to a car. The association table is the place where to store the arrival date/time and departure. Table types 2 and 3 are quickly proliferating and pollute the data model led by the tables that deal with pure entities. How does is solve the user problems? I would suggest to implement it as a toggle to the interface, so that the users could switch between the two layouts as they wish. Excel-like (tabs in a row) or Access-like (groups of tabs in a side column). How was this validated? MS Access actually adopts this way to organize multiple tables. Who is the target audience? Airtable users who works directly with tables and base designer.
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Jun 16, 2023
04:58 PM
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‎Jun 16, 2023
04:58 PM
What is the proposed idea/solution? All Interfaces should be mobile responsive by default. In the Preview mode give two icons (mobile and laptop screens) to toggle between Preview on Mobile or Preview on Laptop In the Interface > Preview on Mobile screen, is very ikely that the user may want to either rearrange or hide certain elements from the mobile responsive view. So provide list of all elements with a Show/Hide toggle. If an elements is hidden in mobile view, it should not get automatically hidden from the web view. Refer Wix Editor for reference How does is solve the user problems? The target audience are most likely to view the Interfaces on a mobile phone. Hence, by making it available and mobile responsive, it'll significantly improve Interface usability How was this validated? Common sense. Who is the target audience? Senior management, clients, field sales etc.
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Jun 15, 2023
11:16 AM
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‎Jun 15, 2023
11:16 AM
What is the proposed idea/solution? Identify which area the columns belong to through colors. How does is solve the user problems? It allows identifying groups of columns belonging to different teams, departments or stages of a process. How was this validated? By right clicking on a column, in the edition, there will be a colored icon. There, you could choose the color of the column (using the same shape and colors used in Single Select. When selecting the color, it will display a subtle, minimalist and thin line of color above the column name. (See capture) Who is the target audience? All the people that: 1) Manage more than one process in the same AirTable table 2) Work on shared tables with other people. 3) Different departments interact in the same table ("Collections" and "Accounting") 4) Anyone who wants to identify columns of: debit, credit, balance. Etc etc etc
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Oct 19, 2023
12:32 PM
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‎Oct 19, 2023
12:32 PM
It would be an amazing tool to be able to embed a link using the URL field. Aesthetically, it it more pleasing and it's more clear to someone reading the link what they are clicking on.
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Oct 16, 2023
12:42 PM
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‎Oct 16, 2023
12:42 PM
Currently the only options for date range of a Gantt chart is week, 2 weeks, month, quarter, year, 5 years. I think it would be better to have a custom option where you can put the duration you want (with an option to choose, weeks, months or years) and give it a start date. The gantt charts I've been making have been for a period of 1.5 years so 1 year doesn't fit it all and then 5 years makes everything super small. It's too large of a gap.
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Jun 06, 2023
04:01 PM
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‎Jun 06, 2023
04:01 PM
I would like to be able to manipulate items on my Gannt view based on milestones. if i move a milestone, i want the option to have the items that are dependent on and succeeded by that milestone to adjust (not just one or the other). in Gannt view, if i move an earlier item that is linked to a succeeding milestone, i want that item's due date to be locked onto the milestone. so the total time i have to complete that task shrinks, rather than moving independent of the milestone. in Gannt view, if i move a milestone that has items linked to it, i want them to move with the milestone- either stretching out the timeline or condensing it. i want to be able to have some items that are tied to both a preceding and a succeeding milestone, and i want to be able to manipulate from either direction in Gannt view. in Gannt view, if i change the dates of a master task that has subtasks dependent on it, and if i make the master task have a longer timeframe for completion. AND if those subtasks are also tied to a succeeding milestone, i want the sub-task start date to shift to accommodate the new timeline of the master task, but i don't want the sub-task's due date to shift beyond what the succeeding task or milestone's date allows. Basically, i want more functionality from Gannt view. this is a great start to project management, but i want to more easily adjust my standard project timeline template to each specific case.
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New Ideas
Submitted on
‎Mar 18, 2024
05:56 AM
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‎Mar 18, 2024
05:56 AM
A capability that could be extremely relevant for many use cases (i.e., CRM, Project Management, and others) would be the record ID reference in enriched long-text. Golden does this in a very elegant way (see:, where the description of Microsoft is then linked to another record with structured data. I imagine a functionality in enriched text that allows you to mention in text for a different record in the same (or different) airtable base. A clear example is a reference call where you mention that during this reference call, the name of a different company popped up. So the text reads something like: "During the call with a prospective client, the name of record_id:xyx came up. Additionally, record_id:zzy was highly recommended. ". In this case, the record_id:xyx also tracks information on when it was mentioned independently. As well as record_id:zzy both linking to the same reference.
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