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Critical Path on GANTT view not showing up

All of my tasks have a dependency, but only some show the critical path highlighted in yellow. I cannot figure out why the critical path is showing for some and not the others. Is there a trick to getting the critical path to work on the Gantt view? ...

Show longer record text in Form dropdown selection

I have a shift scheduling form that I would like to show more details of what each shift entails. In the current form, the text is cut off after a certain number of characters, but each of these items has another line or two of text below. When I se...

Sophie_KS by 4 - Data Explorer
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Trying to filter with "AND" and "OR" in a Gallery

I have a gallery and I added a filter with two condition, so if column one has a specific value or column two has a specific value. That works fine, but now I want to also only show records within the past week that match either of those conditions b...

Class list grouped by date - cannot add records

I have a list of classes. They are numbered (primary key) and have an associated class date. There is one class per date. I also have a list of registrants. They link the registrant name to the assigned class number, date and instructor. I can group ...

Rob_Tilley by 4 - Data Explorer
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How to make "slim one row" view?

Hello Airtable wizards, TL;DR How can I make this “view” ? I am new to airtable and just jumped on building a new directory like site. I was able to make one directory embedded inside my wordpress site as a “card view” type but now I want to have th...

airtable this view
mat_taf by 4 - Data Explorer
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HELP! No "Create Section" Option

I am trying to create a section but my Airtable does not allow me. Now all my views were moved to “more” and they are grouped with a bunch of random views. Help! I need to be able to create my own section!

Form links should display preview

When I paste the link to my airtable form on facebook or whatsapp, the message should display some content (at least the top part) of my form. If it is all about airtable branding then how can I get people interested to answer my survey??


Hidden field appears in gallery view on expanded record

The option to specify a card cover field seems to make that field appear in the gallery view when a card is clicked, even when the field is hidden. This seems like it might be an unintended. Obviously it’s not a concern over the attachment content be...

JesseW-GD by 4 - Data Explorer
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