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Creating a View of the Database

I have a database of innovators in the US that are working to create alternative methods for medical research and testing. I would like to display this data base in a table on our website. This table should be easy to digest and should be able to inc...

New Linked Record Workflow Ideas?

I think this is a view question, but maybe not. I have built a calendar type application for my business to schedule events. Each event can have multiple meeting times, and I have set up each meeting on another table that links. I’m trying to improve...

Adam_White by 4 - Data Explorer
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Employee Info Form

Hello!! I got a quick question. I recently created a form for HR purposes. It’s called an Employee Information Form where a new employee fills out needed information as well as uploads necessary documents. In addition to that, the new employee is req...

Grouping on lookup field in Gantt App

Hi, I am trying to create a gantt chart however having a small issue with the grouping. I want 6 stages to each roadmap feature I have and I have about 50 features. In the table I have a lookup field, where I select the feature and it will pull the ‘...

Zooming in & out

Hello guys, I’ve been using Airtable for 6 days now and my boss ask me to arrange the raw data that he gathered into Airtable(in grid view? The ones that is looks similar to excel) and there’re a whole bunch of columns that I have to scroll left and ...

Using comparison values for filtering

I am new to Airtable, and am building a very simple database for a school to allow families to find the necessary books assigned to their students’ classes. I like the Gallery view for this, but when I set up a filter so that a parent can simply sele...